[Arm-dev] what boards do we all have ?

Fri Aug 8 05:55:12 UTC 2014
Manuel Wolfshant <wolfy at nobugconsulting.ro>

On 08/08/2014 03:27 AM, Karanbir Singh wrote:
> Hi guys,
> as a show of hands, can we get a list of :
> 1) boards we have at the moment
I have
- one cubieboard2 which, however is in a remote location and I fail the 
local idiots to plug it to the network and run the apps that were 
supposed to run
- 2* odroid U3 ( one over here under full control, one in another remote 
location where I can do "stuff" on it, as long as it remains bootable)
- another 2*U3 should be delivered within 2 weeks. will go to remote 
offices so once again, I can do "stuff" on them, as long as they remains 

> 2) Boards we would like to have in say the next 6 to 8 months
I plan on getting a couple more toys, but I am not sold on a specific 
model. One of them might be a CuBox-i4Pro ( I want to make a 
programmable IR remote control but I also need - at least for a while - 
an IR receiver in order to learn the codes ). The other one will be the 
cheapest device able to display something on a standard monitor. maybe 
google chromecast, maybe another similar device.

> 3) boards that dont make either of those two lists, but what folks think
> might be worth targetting anyway
- beagleboard black. they are awesome given their performance/price ratio
- odroid XU3