[Arm-dev] ARM Development Hardware

Sat Apr 25 20:02:00 UTC 2015
Nataraj <incoming-centos at rjl.com>

On 04/25/2015 12:22 PM, Nataraj wrote:
> You might look at the Cubox I4 Pro from Solid Run.  It is a quad core
> armv7 i.mx6 with an ESATA interface and 2GB of RAM.  I know that Solid
> Run will ship internationally (from Israel).  If you buy it from them
> direct it is clocked at 1Ghz, however Newegg was selling a version
> clocked at 1.2Ghz (which is the one that I have).  The Newegg version is
> out of stock right now.  I'm not sure if they will have more.  There is
> a vendor on Amazon UK selling the 1GHZ version.
> Cubox also has HDMI 1080p graphics, 1GB ethernet (limited to 470MBps),
> optical S/PDIF audio.  It's probably a bit more expensive than some of
> the others.  I got mine for about $100 US when Newegg had them on Sale.
> I currently have Arch linux installed, but will try to get CentOS
> running when I have time.  I'm pretty sure people have installed fedora
> on this as well.
> http://www.solid-run.com/products/cubox-i-mini-computer/cubox-i-specifications/
> http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16815580007&cm_re=cubox-_-15-580-007-_-Product
> http://www.amazon.co.uk/CuBox-i4Pro-from-New-IT/dp/B00BXIZASK
> Nataraj
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Also, the cubox comes completely packaged in a case and at least the one
from newegg came with an SD card with android pre-installed.  The only
things you might need is a microusb to RS232 serial cable for the
console and external esata drive.
