[Arm-dev] a plague farm ?

Thu Apr 30 15:46:23 UTC 2015
Robert Moskowitz <rgm at htt-consult.com>

On 04/30/2015 11:28 AM, Jim Perrin wrote:
> On 04/30/2015 09:59 AM, Troy Dawson wrote:
>> My votes
>> kernel: 4.0.0.-*.f22 (The current fedora f22 4.0.0 kernel)
>> uboot: 2015.04
>> Why?
>> uboot 2015.4 had some major improvements over 2015.02 (I'm really hoping it
>> makes it into f22 final)
>> kernel - well, I actually want 4.1.0 because it will have support for my
>> pcDuino3 Nano ... but 4.0.0 is currently close enough.
> There are some patches in 4.1.0 rc that I'd like, but I don't think we
> want to live *quite* on that bleeding edge. I could be convinced either
> way.

I don't know enough, could ask Hans, where the patches for some of the 
board items he has been working on.

>> I feel more strongly about uboot 2015.04 than I do about the kernel.
> uboot I hadn't worried about and have no strong feelings for as it's not
> needed on the armv8 gear I have. I'm fine with whatever works for you
> guys so long as someone maintains it.

I MIGHT think that once 2015.04 comes out in Fedora, you just lift it 
and live with it?  I am just going by what I see on the Fedora list.  
Yes there are patches all the time on the uboot list, but that is for 
the active tree.