[Arm-dev] My test platforms

Fri Aug 28 12:36:56 UTC 2015
Robert Moskowitz <rgm at htt-consult.com>

I only have one Cubietruck available for testing purposes.

I have 2 - 4 Cubieboard2 units.

To date, all of my work has been on this one Cubietruck.  If I had an 
image for the Cubieboard2, I would put those into play.

For example, I need a DNS server for my Samba development.  I have that 
running on a F22 C2 right now.  If I had a C2 image to work with, I 
would spin that up to replace F22.

I did see that there was a successful test on the C2, but nowhere to get 
the image.

Though if I DO spin up more platforms, I am going to have to get another 
Anker multi-port power supply:


I see they have come down $6 since I bought one last October.  These 
work great in powering 5 Cubieboards each.  But DON'T plug in a phone as 
well, or the smart logic will reduce the Amps to the Cubieboards to 1A 
which is bad.