[Arm-dev] armv7hl for Cubies

Mon Aug 17 12:04:31 UTC 2015
Robert Moskowitz <rgm at htt-consult.com>

On 08/17/2015 06:01 AM, Mandar Joshi wrote:
>> I would like to be able to block out a few hours a
>> week working on Centos armv7 on either a cubie2 or cubietruck.
> Johnny Hughes has built and released an image for the cubietruck build
> using RootFS Build Factory. You can read the blog post here
> http://seven.centos.org/2015/06/centos-7-1503-armv7hl-proof-of-concept-pre-alpha-image-available-for-the-cubietruck/
> This image does not have the root password set, so you will need a
> HDMI cable or a serial console cable.

All my Cubies have the serial console cable to USB.  I feel that is as 
much a 'standard' config as VGA/Kybd was on Intel boards.  And it only 
adds $1.75 per unit.

> You can generate an image yourself for your cubietruck with the root
> password set using the latest RootFS Build Factory
> https://github.com/mndar/rbf
> David Tischler has tested the image built for Cubieboard 2. So you can
> give that a shot too.
> For RBF, the README on github has everything to get you started. There
> are additional docs in the doc directory if you wish to add support
> for more boards.

Thanks I will allocate a bit of time for this.  Probably more tomorrow 
than today, it seems.