[Arm-dev] phpmyadmin

Fri Aug 28 13:43:18 UTC 2015
Robert Moskowitz <rgm at htt-consult.com>

On 08/28/2015 09:22 AM, Johnny Hughes wrote:

> But we have to stabilize what we want in os/ (ie, decide on a full
> armv7hl package set and get it built in the 7.1 release tree) .. THEN do
> updates/ ... THEN add extra packages like epel or sernet rpms or
> whatever.  Otherwise, we are never going to be able to release this stuff.


I am all for staying off the Internet and not doing extras.

My box is on a lab subnet behind 2 levels of firewalls and NATs. SHOULD 
be safe; except from myself!

Not much I know how to test.  I CAN build some mariadb stuff and try 
that out, but then I need some epel tools.  Well maybe not, if I copy 
the production db over.

BIND is 'easy', provided I have a Cubieboard2 image.  Nothing there but 
bind and httpd.

sernet gets me testing a number of different things, and it DOES seem 
that really all I need extra is in those sernet rpms that Nicolas was so 
kind to build.  I can stay at what I have for some time.

I did back off on epel once i realized I was barking up the wrong tree; 
and you are right that we (ie the developers) need to get more of the 
basics available.  I am booting with the original kernel, as the kernel 
update did not work, and I am not going to spend time learning how to 
fix this.

You get me images, I will do my best to test.