[Arm-dev] List of 64-bit hardware for testing?

Wed Dec 23 23:01:31 UTC 2015
Jeffrey Walton <noloader at gmail.com>

I've been lurking for a while hoping to see someone call out some
specs, but I don't recall seeing them. My apologies in advance of this
is a redundant question.

I'm interested in inexpensive hardware to test for arm64/aarch64, but
I'm having trouble finding them.

For example, [1] lists a X-C1 Basic dev board, but its $1495 USD [2]
(add $1000 USD for the Plus kit). Another example is the AMD Opteron
A1100 dev kit at $3000 USD [6]. As another example, I purchased both
an HTC 510 Desire and a Samsung Galaxy Core-Prime because both were
supposed to be 64-bit ARMv8 [3,4]. But after the press release and
conversion to the US market, they arrived as 32-bit ARMv7.

First question... Does Cent maintain a list of inexpensive hardware
for testing? If so, would someone point me to it? I understand the
list is subjective and it will become stale over time. That's a
different problem (and a problem I wish I had).

Second question... Or, is it possible to get SSH access to one of the
machines provided by Applied Micro or AMD [1,6]? GNU has a compile
farm (http://gcc.gnu.org/wiki/CompileFarm) I can test with, and I'm
wondering if Cent does the same.

Last question... Has anyone tried using the Android TV boxes [5] for
testing? They appear to be inexpensive (around $100 USD) and some
appear to be ARMv8 with multiple 64-bit cores (Cortex-A53 and

(Its definitely like Perrin said, "Hardware really is the best sort of
gift..." [6]).

Thanks in advance.

[1] http://seven.centos.org/2015/03/centos-linux-7-and-arm/
[2] http://www.apm.com/products/data-center/x-gene-family/x-c1-development-kits/x-c1-development-kit-plus/
[3] http://www.anandtech.com/show/8434/htc-announces-desire-510-first-64bit-android-phone
[4] http://www.tomshardware.com/news/htc-desire-snapdragon-qualcomm-armv8,27552.html
[5] https://www.google.com/search?q="android+tv"+"64-bit"+"arm"+site%3Aamazon.com
[6] http://seven.centos.org/2015/06/amd-seattle-and-centos-on-aarch64/