[Arm-dev] epel 7 noarch

Wed Dec 30 05:51:48 UTC 2015
Robert Moskowitz <rgm at htt-consult.com>

On 12/30/2015 12:45 AM, Robert Moskowitz wrote:
> On 12/30/2015 12:16 AM, Manuel Wolfshant wrote:
>> On 12/30/2015 07:00 AM, Robert Moskowitz wrote:
>>> I am working up the rpms I need for my mail server.  A number of 
>>> them I need from epel.  For example, amavis-new which is a noarch.rpm.
>>> So I was thinking for starters I would create a repo with just the 
>>> noarch rpms and then see what I am missing that needs to be built 
>>> specifically for armv7.
>>> I go to:  https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/EPEL
>>> and see that the install rpm is:
>>> https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm
>>> https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm
>>> Huh?  noarch?  what is going on here? 
>> many release files I know of (epel, elrepo, nux-dextop, gf, even some 
>> of the release files needed by CentOS SIGs) are noarch simply because 
>> they contain nothing but a bunch of text files ( which in turn happen 
>> to contain GPG sigs or repository definitions). If the repo 
>> definitions files ( => the URLs) are also independent of the 
>> architecture ( by means of using $arch or similar ), there is hardly 
>> anything needing to include arch-dependent content, therefore ... noarch
> When I look at the actual rpms at 
> http://mirrors.mit.edu/epel/7/x86_64/, I see many of them designating 
> x86_64 and many noarch.  I obviously do not want to install rpms 
> specifically tagged x86_64; I would think.
> So I want to download only those rpms including the string noarch and 
> do my own createrepo for now.  I don't see any rsync mirrors, only 
> http for epel7.  So I can't try using rsync to get just the noarch 
> rpms.  I tried wget, but I can't figure out a wget command that will 
> walk the tree and and get just the noarch.rpm.
> I am still working on it, but if anyone can supply me with the command 
> to fetch all the noarch.rpms I will get started on this.
> Better if someone else starts the building, and then starts the armv7 
> build from source of those that are platform specific.  Then we turn 
> the whole thing over to the epel team.  Also need to do a i386 one....

Ah, I got wget at least working:

wget -m -nH --cut-dirs=3 --no-parent -A "*.noarch.rpm" 

Tomorrow, I will read up on createrepo.  It has been years since I have 
done this.  Of course, I would be more than happy for someone else to do 