[Arm-dev] CentOS-userland 7 images : call for testers !

Thu Dec 31 00:57:53 UTC 2015
Carl T. Miller <carl at carltm.com>

I had earlier written about not being able to boot
from the CentOS Userland image on my Raspberry Pi.
It is a Model B+ 512MB from element14.

It failed to boot as previously, and no messages
appeared on the screen.  I did get the colorful
splash screen that shows the kernel was not able to
be loaded.  Also the green led would blink 7 times
in a row, again indicating a problem loading the

At this point I did a search to find out why this
image doesn't work, although every other image I've
used worked flawlessly.  The md5sum matched and
fsck showed no problems with the filesystems.
I think the answer is at the bottom of this webpage.


It shows that for the models B and B+ some extra
files must be copied to the boot partition.  I tried
unsuccessfully to find bcm2835-rpi-b-plus.dtb on the
root partition.

I'd be glad to assist with testing if someone can
get me a copy of the missing files.
