[Arm-dev] armv7hl kernel updates

Sun Jul 19 13:22:59 UTC 2015
Mandar Joshi <emailmandar at gmail.com>

> Root Build Factory is awesome for creating images and we can certainly
> create new images when we get new kernels .. but we need a way to make
> that (kernel upgrades) happen in a automated way as well.
> I know that some images use unique kernels, but we need a way to update
> the ones that use the distro kernel.

There is a yum and dnf plugin to handle kernel updates. It calls a bash script
rbf(boardname).sh after install/upgrade of the package kernel-core. Refer [1]
The script is called with 3 arguments: distro name, kernel version and
root path. Refer [2]
Presently there is only one kind of script. The one that appends an
entry to /boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf.
As and when we find new boards which can use the distro kernel, we can
add kernel upgrade scripts. Such kernel upgrade scripts will probably
have to use U-Boot's mkimage utility.

[1] https://github.com/mndar/rbf/tree/master/yumplugins
[2] https://github.com/mndar/rbf/blob/master/doc/KERNELUP_README.md
[3] https://github.com/mndar/rbf/blob/master/README.md