[Arm-dev] armv7hl - centos 7.1 rebuild status

Fri May 29 15:02:59 UTC 2015
Fabian Arrotin <arrfab at centos.org>

Hash: SHA1

On 29/05/15 16:58, Manuel Wolfshant wrote:
> On 05/29/2015 04:40 PM, Fabian Arrotin wrote:
>> On 29/05/15 15:35, Manuel Wolfshant wrote:
>>> On 05/29/2015 04:22 PM, Fabian Arrotin wrote:
>>>> -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1
>>>> Hi folks !
>>>> Just to let you know that the armv7hl plague builders have
>>>> been busy during the week. Apart from the c7-buildroot, the
>>>> SRPM packages built through plague are listed here : 
>>>> http://armv7.dev.centos.org/built.html As more and more 
>>>> BuildRequires: deps are now solved, new packages are built
>>>> every day (all that in loop)
>>>> Slowly wondering how we can have a look at a minimal list of 
>>>> packages (basically using 
>>>> http://armv7.dev.centos.org/repodir/c7-pass-1/ and 
>>>> http://armv7.dev.centos.org/repodir/c7-buildroot/ ) for a 
>>>> working RootFS that can be tested on various armv7 boards 
>>>> (raspi2, odroid c1, etc ..)
>>>> As I'm myself a beginner (wrt to ARM platform), searching
>>>> for opinions/howtos/help from you and see how we can generate
>>>> that, and also document all that on wiki.centos.org
>>>> As an example, it seems odroid c1 needs uboot, and I see
>>>> most people still using the hardkernel.org/odroid kernel,
>>>> instead of the one from the distro. Is that needed, if so,
>>>> why, and all such kind of questions that we can put/answer on
>>>> the wiki.
>>>> Volunteers ? :-)
>>> I volunteer to do any testing you please on the U3 I have
>>> handy.
>> Cool, so let's try first to list a way to "build" those images
>> first :-) I don't know people prefer to use (as a "standard
>> tool") to install the packages in a / partition. yum
>> --installroot ? lorax ? something else ?
> dd if=functional.img   of=/dev/sdb bs=8M  && relocate sdcard to ARM
>  system :))
> FWIW: #ls /mnt/arhive/1/linux/distributions/odroid/ -l -rw-rw-r--.
> 1 wolfy wolfy 2544983052 Jan 12  2014 
> Lubuntu-13.10_Whisper-U2-HDMI.20140101.img.xz

Well, I guess we all know how to use dd to install a functional.img to
disk, but my question for the arm-dev list was more : how do we build
that functional.img first ? :-)

- -- 

Fabian Arrotin
The CentOS Project | http://www.centos.org
gpg key: 56BEC54E | twitter: @arrfab
Version: GnuPG v2.0.22 (GNU/Linux)
