[Arm-dev] Plague build servers / Compilations

Tue Sep 1 06:13:46 UTC 2015
Nicolas Repentin <nicolas at shivaserv.fr>


Here are some compilations, with new ID and old ID to requeue if OK :)

colord-kde - 7010 - 4346 --> OK
control-center - 7011 - 4362 --> OK
cyrus-imapd - 7012 - 4390 --> OK
devhelp - 7013 - 4405 --> OK
dragon - 7014 - 4433 --> OK
ekiga - 7015 - 4452 --> OK
empathy - 7016 - 4458 --> KO : error from mirror (error 404)
evolution - 7017 - 6756 --> KO
suitesparse - 7018 - 6969 --> KO
libibverbs - 7019 - 6878 (this one is needed by a lot of others failed packages) --> KO - need valgrind (which need openpmi)
Question: how often the repo are regenerated with "createrepo"? I've got some fails for dependancies, but these dependancies are recents successfull compilations.
Nicolas Repentin
31 août 2015 21:11 "Fabian Arrotin"  a écrit:

	-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 On 31/08/15 18:46, Nicolas Repentin wrote: Le 31/08/2015 18:19, Nicolas Repentin a écrit :Le 31/08/2015 17:57, Nicolas Repentin a écrit :Hello

I have access to plague servers (thanks to Fabian for the live
debug :p).

I've tried to compil a package, and it was successfull. I see
the job goes to my folder, but to go in the standard build
queue, I need to requeue the original failed job, but I don't
have access to it. For example, I have compiled this package
with this ID:

bash-4.2$ plague-client detail 7001

Detail for Job ID 7001 (389-ds-base):

Target: nrepentin-1-1

 Submitter: nicolas at shivaserv.fr (mailto:nicolas at shivaserv.fr) Status: needsign/ Archjobs:
armv7hl: armv7-02.dev.centos.org done/done
But if I want to requeue the original job:

-bash-4.2$ plague-client requeue 4174 Error: You are not the
original submitter for Job 4174.
--> Is it possible to have a right to requeue the original job,
or do I need to ask someone with rights to do it?
-- Nicolas Repentin 
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Abrt seems good to compil. I think you can restart job 4177 :)

-- Nicolas Repentin 
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Hello (again :p)

I just have launched some "easy" compilations, normally should be
ok (only dependancies problems which are resolved now).

Some here are ok http://armv7.dev.centos.org/repodir/nrepentin-1-1 (http://armv7.dev.centos.org/repodir/nrepentin-1-1/)
and could be requeued. Some other are in progress actually : ID
7007 to 7009 here
http://armv7.dev.centos.org/rpmbuild/nrepentin-1-1 (http://armv7.dev.centos.org/rpmbuild/nrepentin-1-1/), and we can see
them here http://armv7.dev.centos.org/building.html (http://armv7.dev.centos.org/building.html)

Hope it is correctly done.


-- Nicolas Repentin 
Success: Job 4177 has been requeued.
Success: Job 4248 has been requeued.
Success: Job 4233 has been requeued.
Success: Job 4256 has been requeued.
Success: Job 4261 has been requeued.
Success: Job 4273 has been requeued.
Success: Job 4286 has been requeued.
Success: Job 4326 has been requeued.

Thanks ..
- --
Fabian Arrotin
The CentOS Project | http://www.centos.org (http://www.centos.org)
gpg key: 56BEC54E | twitter: @arrfab
Version: GnuPG v2.0.22 (GNU/Linux)

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