[Arm-dev] raspi2 - ntfs, poptop, etc

david david at daku.org
Sun Jan 17 04:06:37 UTC 2016


In my attempts to get a Raspberry Pi 2 environment (using Centos7 - 
arm7hl 1511) working and doing the kinds of server things I think I 
would like, I noticed that there's no support for several goodies I'm 
used to using:

  pptpd (poptop)

  ntfs-3g (for reading windows disks)


I've consulted the repositories supplied with the 1511 distribution, plus:

epel (baseurl=http://repo.medon.htt-consult.com/epel7/noarch)

Is there anything in plan for these items?

My goal is to replace some Centos 6 ancient machines with Arm plus external hd.


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