With the work that Marcin has done for openstack on aarch64, as well as the ceph builds, we need to begin working a plan for publishing these builds to a mirror. I'd like to identify the steps needed, and the ownership for those steps. Thomas please correct/update these as needed 1. new tag in cbs for aarch64 build, with modified dist for mitaka. Will ceph need this as well? 2. If we wish to re-use the centos-release-openstack-mitaka noarch, dependencies of centos-release-ceph-hammer, centos-release-qemu-ev, centos-release-storage-common, and centos-release-virt-common need to be addressed. Alternately we could create a centos-release-openstack-mitaka-experimental for now if it can work stand-alone. 3. Mirror locations on buildlogs and mirrors need to be created and tested. Possible adjustments to existing -release files due to the /altarch/ vs centos path differences. 4. Package signing. This should already work with existing infra, but need to test and validate. -- Jim Perrin The CentOS Project | http://www.centos.org twitter: @BitIntegrity | GPG Key: FA09AD77