[Arm-dev] Rebuilding OpenStack for AArch64

Fri Jun 10 11:14:05 UTC 2016
Marcin Juszkiewicz <marcin.juszkiewicz at linaro.org>

There were discussions on irc about it but I lost track of who I should 
speak with etc so decided to write to mailing list instead.

The goal is to rebuild OpenStack 'mitaka' packages for AArch64 (AltArch) 
in CBS (there is one builder for this architecture).

Question is how to make it in best way?

One of ideas was:

1. create new tag (cloud7-openstack-mitaka-candidate-aarch64?)
2. import all 'noarch' builds from cloud7-openstack-mitaka-* tags
3. send all required packages to the builder
4. test resulting packages
5. import/merge all of them to proper cloud7-openstack-mitaka-* tag

Other was about doing scratch builds and merging them with x86-64 ones.

How we can proceed? I think that first idea is good as it allows us to 
do builds without touching x86-64 tag before we are ready for merging. 
But I do not have koji experience so may be wrong.