[Arm-dev] unofficial EPEL package builds

Wed May 25 16:21:55 UTC 2016
Lamar Owen <lowen at pari.edu>

On 05/25/2016 05:16 AM, Johnny Hughes wrote:
> ...
> Some of the python-* and perl-* stuff has not built either.

Yeah, I found during my handbuilds of the GNUradio dependencies that 
some python stuff has rather interesting dependencies (like that of 
python-unittest2 as I recall, although I've slept since then....). And 
the python3 (a buildreq for some packages but not an install req....) 
rebuild failed in one of the build tests.  So if it just built to a 
.noarch.rpm I just used the x86_64 EPEL 7 repo's .norach.rpm and went on 

So far the little C2 has been stable:
[root at localhost ~]# uptime
  16:08:10 up 22 days, 17:23,  1 user,  load average: 0.22, 0.08, 0.06
[root at localhost ~]#

and it is running a ShinySDR instance that, as long as I don't leave it 
connected to the workstation for too long works great.

> Basically, at this point getting working things from there is a crapshoot :)
> but we are continuing to build this.  Depending on how this goes, we
> will be doing the same thing for armhfp (32 bit) and i686.
Yeah, it's been pretty cool to watch the number of built .src.rpms grow 
towards the 5,494 src.rpm count that I have in my local EPEL 7 SRPM 
mirror (which is a bit stale....).  So far I count 3,396 built src.rpms 
in my mirror, but I haven't updated it today.

I for one really appreciate the effort; it would take a lot longer than 
a month to have gotten anywhere close to this progress with the small 
number of C2's that I have available to do builds.  Your hardware is 
likely a great deal faster than mine.