[Arm-dev] Customizing Chronyd for no battery

Mon Apr 24 14:53:29 UTC 2017
Jim Perrin <jperrin at centos.org>

On 04/23/2017 11:21 AM, Robert Moskowitz wrote:

>> Can you point me to instructions?  I looked at
>> /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/postfix.service

The easy way is 'systemctl edit postfix'
This will create appropriate file in
/etc/systemd/system/postfix.d/override.conf. (or something like that)
and you can go from there. Once you're sure exactly where the file will
be then you can mess with it some more.

>> And the change I made to /usr/lib/systemd/system/postfix.service
>> carried over, and the timestamp in /etc/systemd did not change. Strange.

If you didn't systemctl daemon-reload, then that would be why.

Jim Perrin
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