[Arm-dev] Kernel ?

Thu Aug 31 12:34:56 UTC 2017
Robert Moskowitz <rgm at htt-consult.com>

On 08/22/2017 03:39 PM, Nicolas Repentin wrote:
> Hi,
> Actually my /boot is 500MB and it's quite small yes...i got 60MB left :p

It is just fine with a little housekeeping.

> I don't know what was the previous problem but this time it's installed..
> Le 22 août 2017 21:36:27 GMT+02:00, Michael Schumacher 
> <michael.schumacher at pamas.de> a écrit :
>       Nicolas,
>         Does someone use a bananapi on centos ? I'm using it for a
>         long time, and I'm still on 4.2 kernel. 
>         Every time I try to install a newer I got a lot of errors
>         during install, or yum get stuck on "cleaning..". 
>         The last time I success to install it, it's not very stable... 
>     looks like you ran into the problem with a too small /boot partition.
>     I had that problem too. Increasing the size of the /boot partition to
>     about 10G solves the problem. This is a problem of the Centos
>     installation image. I believe Robert had the same issue.
>     best regards
>     ---
>     Michael Schumacher
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> Nicolas
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