[Arm-dev] Rebase to kernel 4.9.x (LTS) for armhfp : call for testers

Tue Feb 28 09:28:20 UTC 2017
Fabian Arrotin <arrfab at centos.org>

Hi guys,

As mentioned in the other thread about new kernel (basically to fix the
dccp cve issue), I had a look at the 4.4.x branch, but thought also
about a rebase to 4.9.x (also upstream LTS at kernel.org)

For AltArch (centos 7 i386), Johnny built a 4.9.13 kernel and so I
reused it for armhfp
It also makes sense to rebase to 4.9.x for rpi2/rpi3 as the rpi
foundation also rebased to 4.9 and so confirmed to me that they don't
maintain 4.4.x (even if they still accept Pull Requests).

So we have now 4.9.13 available for both rpi and generic.

The following /etc/yum.repos.d/testing-kernel.repo would do it :

name=CentOS Kernels for armhfp testing


After that a simple yum update --enablerepo=kernel-testing would bring
it to the node

For rpi, nothing to be done
For the other boards, I've added an update-boot tool to automatically
modify extlinux.conf. but you need the updated centos-userland-release pkg :

Worth noting that the actual 4.9.13 will *not* call it in the %post rpm
transaction (yet) but if that tool works for everybody, we'll add it for
newer kernels.

Any feedback is welcome, but for the kernel I'd like to push that asap
to signing/release (so the more feedback, the faster we'll have it
released) ;-)


Fabian Arrotin
The CentOS Project | http://www.centos.org
gpg key: 56BEC54E | twitter: @arrfab

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