[Arm-dev] Three in production - Re: Progress on C7-armv7

Fri Feb 10 14:26:35 UTC 2017
arm_ml at rirasoft.de <arm_ml at rirasoft.de>

Am 2017-02-10 15:09, schrieb Robert Moskowitz:
> Andreas,
> On 02/10/2017 08:56 AM, Andreas Reschke wrote:
>> Am 10.02.2017 um 14:38 schrieb Robert Moskowitz:
>>> Maybe not so much to brag about, but I now have 3 Cubieboard2 servers
>>> running Centos7-armv7.
>>> Medon    Webserver
>>> Rigel        Internal DNS
>>> Onlo        External DNS
>>> I am leaving Valeria and Merido alone for now, as they are test 
>>> systems.
>>> Next is my mailserver.  I will see how far I can get without
>>> perl-Log-Log4perl; please fix its dependencies soon!
>>> The other item I need to work with for the mailserver, is do I keep 
>>> it
>>> on the 2-core CubieTruck, or do I get a 4-core CubieTruck Plus. 
>>> avmavis
>>> really beats up those 2 cores.  Sometimes imap clients suffer.  If I
>>> could limit avmavis to 3 cores, that would leave one always available
>>> for other important tasks.
>> Hello Robert,
>> I've a running a Cubietruck 3 with CentOS as a Web-, Mail-, and
>> Nexcloudserver for my family.
>> Software:
>> CentOS incl. EPEL: apache, mariadb, postfix, dovecot, amavis, clamav,
>> spamassin, mailgraph
>> from Fedora:fail2ban
> Do you use postfixadmin?
> I run a virtual mail environment for a few domains.
> I also have roundcube that is occasionally used. (my daughter in
> Manchester UK, and my son in Baltimore)
> You have spamassassin, mailgraph and fail2ban that I do not have.
> I would be interested in seeing your configuration steps.  I have used:
> http://www.campworld.net/thewiki/pmwiki.php/LinuxServersCentOS/Cent6VirtMailServer
> As my guide in the past.

Yes, my enviroment is nearly the same. The basic Howto I've used is from

(all in German language)

I've searchd the missing rpms at normal CentOX (noarch) and EPEL. Only 
fail2ban comes from Fedora

Nextcloud: I must stay at 10.0.3 (stable) because of PHP 5.4

> What I see on the current CubieTruck RSEL6 setup (running for a couple
> of years now) is that 2 instances of amavis are going, checking out
> the mail, and pretty much pegging the CPUs (as reported by top).
> Meanwhile, at times when I go to send mail from Thunderbird, it
> reports it is waiting on my mailserver.  I assume that the server is
> too busy at the moment to take the mail.
> Right now I am going to write up all I have done for a basic Cubie
> Centos7 setup.
> Separately I would like to learn a bit about nextcloudserver.  I run a
> ClearOS6 Samba server here.  I am looking for alternatives, but
> serving MS shares with client login is needed.
>> There isn't any problem with the RAM or CPU
>>> On 02/07/2017 01:03 PM, Robert Moskowitz wrote:
>>>> I switched medon.htt-consult.com to another Cubieboard2; I took one 
>>>> of
>>>> my test systems (which was off anyway, the middle one of the tower),
>>>> put the C7 uboot mSD and HD, and booted up.  I also switched over to
>>>> the new kernel.  So far it has been up for 6 hours, longer than
>>>> before.  We will see how it goes.
>>>> I have set up a DNS server and letting it 'sit' for 24 hours to test
>>>> for stability (not crashing).  This is an internal DNS server
>>>> (rigel.htt-consult.com).  If all is well tomorrow I will put it into
>>>> production, and start on migrating the production DNS server
>>>> (onlo.htt-consult.com).  And I have to learn how to config DNSSEC...
>>>> I am holding off on any more work on the mailserver replacement
>>>> (z9m9z.htt-consult.com) until my one epel  dependency is fixed. The
>>>> delay 'buys' me some time to figure out if I will buy a Cubie5 (4
>>>> core) for the new server.  avmavis regularly eats up 2 core on my
>>>> current RSEL6 mailserver.
>>>> So progress.  Thanks for the code to make this possible.
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>> Greetings
>> Andreas
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