[Arm-dev] New kernel?

Mon Feb 27 18:01:19 UTC 2017
Jacco Ligthart <jacco at redsleeve.org>

>>>> I have a linux-firmware here that has everything up to 2/13/2017 in it:
>>>> http://cbs.centos.org/koji/buildinfo?buildID=15801
>>>> I am not sure if that is the one Fabian use or not.
>>> Here is the git tree for that SRPM (if you want it):
>>> https://git.centos.org/summary/sig-altarch!linux-firmware.git
>>> The lookaside cache is here:
>>> http://people.centos.org/hughesjr/altarch-kernel-4.4.x-Lookaside/
>> Thanks! somehow I missed the sig-altarch items on git.c.o
>> Is that kernel also the one that Fabian is building?
>> Jacco
> For kernel-generic (aka "upstream" one) ? yes
> For rpi2/3 : nope (see the other link)
> For updated linux-firmware :
> https://armv7.dev.centos.org/repodir/arm-kernels/linux-firmware-20170213/
I noticed this when upgrading:

Transaction check error:
  file /usr/lib/firmware/v4l-cx25840.fw from install of
linux-firmware-20170213-71.git6d3bc888.el7.noarch conflicts with file
from package ivtv-firmware-2:20080701-26.el7.noarch

of course this is on redsleeve, but I *guess* this is similar on armv7.
maybe we should add an 'obsoletes' line in the spec file?
