[Arm-dev] What is ifcfg-link?

Wed Aug 1 18:04:11 UTC 2018
Robert Moskowitz <rgm at htt-consult.com>

I went looking for /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 to set it 
up for static addressing.

Instead I found ifcfg-link

What is this?

In the past I was usin nmcli:

nmcli con delete $ifname
nmcli con add type ethernet con-name $ifname ifname $ifname ip4 
$your_ipv4_address/$your_ipv4_prefix gw4 $your_ipv4_gateway
nmcli con mod $ifname ipv4.dns "$your_ipv4_dns1 $your_ipv4_dns2"
# optionally set your MAC address
# your_mac=
# nmcli con mod $ifname mac "$your_mac"
nmcli con up $ifname

(that con add above is line wrapping in this email)

ip a

shows eth0; do I just use my nmcli script as I did for the 1611 image?
