[Arm-dev] Issues with the 4.9.x kernel and pvrusb2 driver

Pablo Sebastián Greco

pablo at fliagreco.com.ar
Sun Feb 4 14:11:38 UTC 2018

Chris, I think you are on the right track.
Reverting commit 
on both stable 4.4 and 4.9 should fix the issue because neither of those 
branches received these commits 
so null is an invalid way to call.
I think you should file a bug with this info on bugzilla.kernel.org and 
go from there.
 From the CentOS standpoint, don't know if such a patch could be 
applied, for next update, don't really have the authority there....


El 3/2/18 a las 12:40, Chris Szilagyi escribió:
> I seem to have stumbled upon an issue larger than I thought.  I have 
> been fighting this driver in the 4.9.75-204 kernel that is the current 
> release for the AltArch/Arm32 platforms.  Basically I'm getting a 
> kernel oops with this kernel (I included below).  I have tried 
> patching and compiling my own module however I'm now getting a 
> segfault with that.  It seems that the 4.14 kernel may have resolved 
> this issue:
> https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux.git/commit/drivers/media/usb/pvrusb2/pvrusb2-eeprom.c?h=v4.14-rc1&id=446aba663b8240b24202cb8902b0d5c8f91aa3da 
> But I'm hoping to get this fixed with the 4.9.75 kernel or the 4.9.x 
> series if that is what will be used for future kernel updates for this 
> platform.  I found a post regarding the issue on an Ubuntu forum and 
> it appears this is the same thing I'm getting with this CentOS 4.9.75 
> kernel:
> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/1710419
> This is the patch I tried and so far no luck.  If anybody has a way to 
> help or any thoughts on how to get this integrated to the kernels for 
> this, I am more than happy to test it here on the Banana Pi.
> Thank you for your help.
> Chris
> On 02/03/2018 12:37 AM, Chris Szilagyi wrote:
>> My apologies... I was running against only the kernel-devel source 
>> files rather than the full kernel source.  It is working fine now 
>> that I found the correct kernel src.rpm package for this kernel.
>> Thank you...
>> Chris
>> On 02/02/2018 09:59 PM, Chris Szilagyi wrote:
>>> Hello:
>>> I am attempting to re-compile a broken kernel module for the 
>>> AltArch/Arm32 release.  Currently I'm trying it against the current 
>>> kernel,  4.9.75-204.  In using 
>>> "kernel-devel-4.9.75-204.el7.centos.armv7hl", and following the 
>>> instructions for CentOS at : 
>>> https://wiki.centos.org/HowTos/BuildingKernelModules,  when I do a 
>>> "make prepare", I am getting the error:
>>> make[1]: *** No rule to make target `arch/arm/tools/gen-mach-types', 
>>> needed by `include/generated/mach-types.h'.  Stop.
>>> make: *** [archprepare] Error 2
>>> I've been searching for a fix for this but not sure what is missing 
>>> here.  If you have a solution please let me know. Thanks for your 
>>> help on this.
>>> Chris
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