[Arm-dev] ffmpeg for CentOS 7 armv7hl

Mon Oct 8 12:16:06 UTC 2018
Johnny Hughes <johnny at centos.org>

On 10/07/2018 10:32 AM, Pablo Sebastián Greco wrote:
> El 4/10/18 a las 10:07, arm_ml at rirasoft.de escribió:
>> Hello
>> I search for ffmpeg for CentOS 7 ARM and can't find anything. Only for
>> Fedora. But all RPMs from Fedora I tried have missing dependency.
> You can't install directly fedora rpms into CentOS, most of the times it
> will fail that way.
> WRT ffmpeg specifically, I normally use the version from nux, which is
> only available for x86_64, maybe you could try to rebuild that one.
>> I want to build a converter for my Car-Audio-Player that only accept
>> MP3 and I have over 2TB of FLAC.

FWIW, we can't create the mpg / mp3 nux rpms due to Intellectual
Property issues, or we would have it already.

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