[Arm-dev] Using zram-swap

Fri Oct 12 17:31:14 UTC 2018
Fred Gleason <fredg at paravelsystems.com>

On Oct 12, 2018, at 13:28, Gordan Bobic <gordan at redsleeve.org> wrote:

> Because the zram bucket is compressed and thus requires typically half the amount of real RAM.
> So if you have 1GB of RAM and set up a 512MB zram for swap, those 512MB when completely used up will typically only consume 256MB of RAM. So you will end up with 768MB of actual RAM, + 512MB of swap = 1.25GB of RAM instead of 1GB.
> Tweak ratios to suit your workload, but that's the basic gist of it.

Ah! Ok. That makes sense. Thank you.

One more question: is there any benefit to configuring a system to use swap *beyond* that of increasing the the global memory space —e.g. more efficient memory management or better operati
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