[Arm-dev] CentOS - AltArch ; ARM

Fri Sep 20 16:41:43 UTC 2019
Douglas E. Hopley Jr. <hopley at f6systems.com>

Good Day , I hope this finds you well.

 update - You and exchanged some email  and IRC text in part about

 I have just received the recommended BananaPi 2M Ultra I ordered and a
Rock64 2G
  I dug more into U-Boot and am setting up the toolchain (ref =
on one of my x86_64

 I send this message to ask if there is anything specific I  would be of
value to help with.  I suspect there
is a lot going on (CentoOS 7.7 and 8.x) and know I am a bit of a noob but
where I can help I would be
glad to do so (with hopefully not being too much burden as I 'bootstrap')
.  Does that seem reasonable?

 What is best next step?  Or where, if you would direct me, to look.


On Sat, Aug 31, 2019 at 2:16 PM Douglas E. Hopley Jr. <hopley at f6systems.com>

> Hi,
>    Running CentOS on ARM is  the largest part of my interest that is to
> this forum.
>  I have armv7l and (1) aarch64 at this point.  I have (below) CentOS
> running on a couple of devices.
> NAME="CentOS Linux"
> VERSION="7 (AltArch)"
> ID="centos"
> ID_LIKE="rhel fedora"
> PRETTY_NAME="CentOS Linux 7 (AltArch)"
>  I will put this on the IRC as well -- responding here to close this loop.
>  Near term I would like to get the aarch64 running and just pulled down
> RHEL 8.1 for aarch64 (x86_64 too) and
> am turning to that next.  Then I would like to know what I can do to
> contribute and I can add more details.
>  Other interests beyond CentOS on ARM include IPv6, more Golang
> programming, containers (nspawn, podman)
> and as a bit of a reach wayland.
> Does that help?
> Thanks,
> Doug
> On Fri, Aug 30, 2019 at 4:49 AM Pablo Sebastián Greco <
> pablo at fliagreco.com.ar> wrote:
>> El 25/8/19 a las 20:50, Douglas E. Hopley Jr. escribió:
>> Greetings.
>> Hello!
>>  How can I provide any help?  Is there something specific needed or best
>> for a new participant to work on or for?  What is best to do to get started?
>> If you're mostly interested in ARM, we can keep the talk here.
>> What are your interests wrt centos and ARM specifically? armhfp, aarch64
>> servers?
>> BTW, I'm normally slow to answer emails, but faster on irc, so if you
>> want, use the #centos-arm channel on freenode and it can be a bit more
>> dynamic (instead of waiting 5 days for an answer, sorry :))
>> Thanks in advance for your time.
>> _______________________________________________
>> Arm-dev mailing listArm-dev at centos.orghttps://lists.centos.org/mailman/listinfo/arm-dev
>> Pablo.

Douglas E. Hopley Jr.
 email = hopley at ipcloud.net
 url = ipcloud.net
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