[Arm-dev] No ability to control desktop resolution with CentOS 7 on RPi3B (Xfce4)

Sun Apr 12 19:52:37 UTC 2020
John Frink <thehelpdeskguy.com at gmail.com>

My apologies in advance for what is undoubtedly a noob situation.  I have
downloaded and successfully loaded
CentOS-Userland-7-armv7hl-RaspberryPI-Minimal-1908-sda.raw on my Pi 3B.  I
then loaded Xfce4 with X11.  (Thank you to all here who have made this
process so painless).

However, I am using an HP L3065 monitor which has only dual-link DVI
inputs.  I have the HDMI-to-DVI adapter, so the system boots well.
However, it will only display at a resolution of  1280x1024.  There is no
/boot/config.txt file for me to hack, and my attempts at using xrandr with
either cvt or gtf has only generated error messages  (e.g., "Failed to get
size of gamma for output default").  My objective is to get the system to
use 1920x1080.

Is it better to use cvt or gtf for the parameters needed by xrandr?  Should
I create a /boot/config.txt file for the system?  If so, is there a generic
template for such a file?

If you can offer any suggestions, I would be greatly appreciative.

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