[Arm-dev] unable to configure zram-swap on RPI 4 8G model (32bit)

Mon Dec 14 16:43:54 UTC 2020
mark <mark at havak.nl>

-----Original Message-----
From: Pablo Sebastián Greco <pablo at fliagreco.com.ar> 
Sent: maandag 14 december 2020 17:20
To: Conversations around CentOS on ARM hardware <arm-dev at centos.org>; mark <mark at havak.nl>
Subject: Re: [Arm-dev] unable to configure zram-swap on RPI 4 8G model (32bit)

On 14/12/20 11:42, mark wrote:
> Being aware using zram-swap is not a default feature  on the CentOS 
> Userland for armv7hl, Still want to share the problem I ran in to.
> I turns out the arm 32bit kernel with large memory support OOPS if zram-swap is deployed if the system has more than 4GB ram.
I'm a heavy user of zram-swap, even not being default, but I have only used with devices that have 2G max, this is interesting. Does it still happen if you limit the size?

Did not test limiting the ram to 4GB myself jet, it does according to :

> This issue seems to be addressed (verry recently) in kernel 5.4.81 (1)
> As mentioned this is verry recently, version 5.4.81 is just 12 day's old..
> However if there is a testbuild of this rpi2-kernel4: I'm eager to test it 😉
There's no test build yet, I'm still adjusting to what happened last 
week, but hopefully we'll have a new kernel soon
> 1) https://github.com/raspberrypi/linux/commit/1bef5f25a69234613b92a0e2456870fee4a57efc