[Arm-dev] Centos 8 Userland + RPI 3+b

Thu Jan 16 03:53:04 UTC 2020
Ron Wheeler <rwheeler at artifact-software.com>

I have 10 4GB Pi4s that I would love to have running on CentOS.
Can I test CentOS?


What should work and what should not work.
I actually do not need most of the hardware to work - no bluetooth, no 
WiFi but I do need ethernet, USB and diskless operation(network boot).

My intention is to run them headless but a fully functional CentOS would 
be great for other purposes.


On 2020-01-15 4:54 p.m., Fabian Arrotin wrote:
> On 15/01/2020 22:50, marcin via Arm-dev wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I can see that Centos 8 Userland is available.I downloaded it but I did
>> not manage to boot it, got into boot loop or it's just spewing messages
>> and immediately clearing the screen or finally just nothing on the
>> screen. Anyone successfully tried it? Is the root password the same as
>> in Centos 7?
> I gave the test image that Pablo built a try (both images) on my rpi3b+
> (bcm2837) and both worked.
> root password is same as for c7 , so 'centos'
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Ron Wheeler
Artifact Software
rwheeler at artifact-software.com

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