[Arm-dev] sysfs and gpio

Wed Jun 3 17:52:47 UTC 2020
R C <cjvijf at gmail.com>

never mind,  found out last night it is deprecated. and replaced by libgpiod

(which I tried to install,  1.4-3 was the one I could compile. So far no 
GPIO magic yet, did anyone try work with this?


On 6/2/20 6:36 PM, R C wrote:
> Hello,
> if not mistaken,  sysfs  creates the '/sys/class/gpio' directory 
> structure and the interface to the actual pins, right?
> On an older centos version (7.1.1503), it is there  however on 
> 7.8.2003 it's not.
> Am I missing something?
> Ron