[CentOS-announce] CEBA-2016:1401 CentOS 6 rgmanager BugFix Update

Tue Jul 12 17:03:38 UTC 2016
Johnny Hughes <johnny at centos.org>

CentOS Errata and Bugfix Advisory 2016:1401 

Upstream details at : https://rhn.redhat.com/errata/RHBA-2016-1401.html

The following updated files have been uploaded and are currently 
syncing to the mirrors: ( sha256sum Filename ) 

87a690ed7263508e30e94c5cf3559beac16b05587bc5499d584d28ede2af5e54  rgmanager-

8c5cc94b9358c08f99660c3c833de60e9320c09c3189236e03e0c61a9c488856  rgmanager-

6219426587f3f21b4ac7e48ba60338a3c4a6e0228208e3c3897aa3e94b0d7572  rgmanager-

Johnny Hughes
CentOS Project { http://www.centos.org/ }
irc: hughesjr, #centos at irc.freenode.net
Twitter: @JohnnyCentOS