[Centos-automotive-sig] CentOS Automotive SIG - General chat reminder

Thu Sep 30 21:56:34 UTC 2021
Jeffrey Osier-Mixon <jefro at redhat.com>

Hi all, just a reminder that we will host our first unofficial general chat
& office hours tomorrow, October 1, at 1500UTC (8am PDT, 11am EDT, 5pm CEST)


As we discussed in the last call, this meeting has no set agenda and is
totally optional. I expect that we will discuss the current state of the
infrastructure as well as the incoming contribution by Red Hat of an
initial framework so we can start discussions on what to include. I'd also
like to start a discussion on good meeting times - there is no perfect time
for everyone, but I'd like as much feedback as possible for future

So whether you have anything to share or not, please feel free to stop in!

Finally - if you haven't already done so (and if you are interested),
please make sure to subscribe to the automotive SIG mailing list for all
future announcements.

Also, please let me know if you would like to be added to a Google
calendar invite for future meetings - and yes we are looking for a more
universal option.

best regards,

Jeffrey "Jefro" Osier-Mixon  |  jefro at redhat.com
Red Hat Office of the CTO  |  Sr. Principal Community Architect, Automotive
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