[Centos-automotive-sig] REMINDER: CentOS Auto SIG meeting Weds

Mon Jan 30 19:59:12 UTC 2023
Jeffrey Osier-Mixon <jefro at redhat.com>

Hi all, this is just a reminder of Wednesday's automotive SIG meeting. As
we skipped January, this will be the first formal meeting of the year. The
expected agenda is:

- introduction & action items
- technical update
- meeting times & cadence for 2023
- open discussion

In open discussion, we will also likely touch on hardware support and
possibly some extended use cases for this model beyond in-vehicle
automotive, and how this project fits into the scope of some other public
projects such as Eclipse SDV and SOAFEE.

Hope to see you all on Wednesday!

Jeffrey "Jefro" Osier-Mixon  |  jefro at redhat.com
Red Hat Office of the CTO  |  Sr. Principal Community Architect, Automotive
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