[CentOS-build-reports] Build Fail: xulrunner 24.4.0-1.el7.i386 on c7.00.00

Sat Apr 26 23:26:03 UTC 2014
buildsys at centos.org <buildsys at centos.org>

ROOT log: -----------------( last 500 lines )-----\n\n
DEBUG util.py:264:   opensp                     i686   1.5.2-17.el7                  c6.99.00 875 k
DEBUG util.py:264:   openssl                    i686   1:1.0.1e-23.el7               c6.99.00 699 k
DEBUG util.py:264:   orc                        i686   0.4.17-5.el7                  c7.00.00 168 k
DEBUG util.py:264:   oxygen-icon-theme          noarch 4.10.5-2.el7                  c7.00.00  29 M
DEBUG util.py:264:   pango                      i686   1.34.1-5.el7                  c7.00.00 280 k
DEBUG util.py:264:   parted                     i686   3.1-17.el7                    c7.00.00 616 k
DEBUG util.py:264:   pciutils                   i686   3.2.1-4.el7                   c7.00.00  89 k
DEBUG util.py:264:   pciutils-libs              i686   3.2.1-4.el7                   c7.00.00  43 k
DEBUG util.py:264:   perl-Business-ISBN         noarch 2.06-2.el7                    c7.00.00  24 k
DEBUG util.py:264:   perl-Business-ISBN-Data    noarch 20120719.001-2.el7            c7.00.00  23 k
DEBUG util.py:264:   perl-Compress-Raw-Bzip2    i686   2.061-3.el7                   c7.00.00  31 k
DEBUG util.py:264:   perl-Compress-Raw-Zlib     i686   1:2.061-4.el7                 c7.00.00  56 k
DEBUG util.py:264:   perl-Data-Dumper           i686   2.145-3.el7                   c7.00.00  46 k
DEBUG util.py:264:   perl-Digest                noarch 1.17-245.el7                  c7.00.00  22 k
DEBUG util.py:264:   perl-Digest-MD5            i686   2.52-3.el7                    c7.00.00  28 k
DEBUG util.py:264:   perl-Encode-Locale         noarch 1.03-5.el7                    c7.00.00  15 k
DEBUG util.py:264:   perl-File-Listing          noarch 6.04-7.el7                    c7.00.00  12 k
DEBUG util.py:264:   perl-HTML-Parser           i686   3.71-4.el7                    c7.00.00 113 k
DEBUG util.py:264:   perl-HTML-Tagset           noarch 3.20-15.el7                   c7.00.00  17 k
DEBUG util.py:264:   perl-HTTP-Cookies          noarch 6.01-5.el7                    c7.00.00  25 k
DEBUG util.py:264:   perl-HTTP-Daemon           noarch 6.01-5.el7                    c7.00.00  19 k
DEBUG util.py:264:   perl-HTTP-Date             noarch 6.02-8.el7                    c7.00.00  13 k
DEBUG util.py:264:   perl-HTTP-Message          noarch 6.06-6.el7                    c7.00.00  81 k
DEBUG util.py:264:   perl-HTTP-Negotiate        noarch 6.01-5.el7                    c7.00.00  16 k
DEBUG util.py:264:   perl-IO-Compress           noarch 2.061-2.el7                   c7.00.00 259 k
DEBUG util.py:264:   perl-IO-HTML               noarch 1.00-2.el7                    c7.00.00  22 k
DEBUG util.py:264:   perl-IO-Socket-IP          noarch 0.21-4.el7                    c7.00.00  34 k
DEBUG util.py:264:   perl-IO-Socket-SSL         noarch 1.94-3.el7                    c7.00.00 112 k
DEBUG util.py:264:   perl-LWP-MediaTypes        noarch 6.02-2.el7                    c7.00.00  23 k
DEBUG util.py:264:   perl-Net-HTTP              noarch 6.06-2.el7                    c7.00.00  28 k
DEBUG util.py:264:   perl-Net-LibIDN            i686   0.12-15.el7                   c7.00.00  27 k
DEBUG util.py:264:   perl-Net-SSLeay            i686   1.55-3.el7                    c7.00.00 284 k
DEBUG util.py:264:   perl-SGMLSpm               noarch 1.03ii-31.el7                 c7.00.00  26 k
DEBUG util.py:264:   perl-Test-Harness          noarch 3.28-2.el7                    c7.00.00 301 k
DEBUG util.py:264:   perl-TimeDate              noarch 1:2.30-2.el7                  c7.00.00  50 k
DEBUG util.py:264:   perl-URI                   noarch 1.60-9.el7                    c7.00.00 105 k
DEBUG util.py:264:   perl-WWW-RobotRules        noarch 6.02-5.el7                    c7.00.00  17 k
DEBUG util.py:264:   perl-libwww-perl           noarch 6.05-2.el7                    c7.00.00 204 k
DEBUG util.py:264:   phonon                     i686   4.6.0-9.el7                   c7.00.00 203 k
DEBUG util.py:264:   phonon-backend-gstreamer   i686   2:4.6.3-3.el7                 c7.00.00 136 k
DEBUG util.py:264:   pixman                     i686   0.32.4-3.el7                  c7.00.00 252 k
DEBUG util.py:264:   pixman-devel               i686   0.32.4-3.el7                  c7.00.00  19 k
DEBUG util.py:264:   pm-utils                   i686   1.4.1-26.el7                  c7.00.00 138 k
DEBUG util.py:264:   polkit                     i686   0.112-5.el7                   c7.00.00 162 k
DEBUG util.py:264:   polkit-pkla-compat         i686   0.1-4.el7                     c7.00.00  37 k
DEBUG util.py:264:   polkit-qt                  i686   0.103.0-9.el7                 c7.00.00  70 k
DEBUG util.py:264:   poppler                    i686   0.22.5-6.el7                  c7.00.00 718 k
DEBUG util.py:264:   poppler-data               noarch 0.4.6-3.el7                   c7.00.00 2.1 M
DEBUG util.py:264:   poppler-qt                 i686   0.22.5-6.el7                  c7.00.00 164 k
DEBUG util.py:264:   poppler-utils              i686   0.22.5-6.el7                  c7.00.00 153 k
DEBUG util.py:264:   popt-devel                 i686   1.13-16.el7                   c7.00.00  21 k
DEBUG util.py:264:   procps-ng                  i686   3.3.9-6.el7                   c7.00.00 273 k
DEBUG util.py:264:   psmisc                     i686   22.20-8.el7                   c7.00.00 139 k
DEBUG util.py:264:   pulseaudio-libs            i686   3.0-22.el7                    c7.00.00 534 k
DEBUG util.py:264:   pulseaudio-libs-glib2      i686   3.0-22.el7                    c7.00.00  26 k
DEBUG util.py:264:   pytalloc                   i686   2.0.8-4.el7                   c7.00.00  12 k
DEBUG util.py:264:   python                     i686   2.7.5-16.el7                  c7.00.00  85 k
DEBUG util.py:264:   qca2                       i686   2.0.3-7.el7                   c7.00.00 431 k
DEBUG util.py:264:   qrencode-libs              i686   3.4.1-3.el7                   c7.00.00  49 k
DEBUG util.py:264:   qt                         i686   1:4.8.5-8.el7                 c7.00.00 4.5 M
DEBUG util.py:264:   qt-settings                noarch 19-23.4.el7                   c7.00.00  16 k
DEBUG util.py:264:   qt-x11                     i686   1:4.8.5-8.el7                 c7.00.00  13 M
DEBUG util.py:264:   raptor2                    i686   2.0.9-1.el7                   c6.99.00 204 k
DEBUG util.py:264:   rasqal                     i686   0.9.30-2.el7                  c6.99.00 262 k
DEBUG util.py:264:   redhat-indexhtml           noarch 7-4.el7                       c6.99.00  66 k
DEBUG util.py:264:   redhat-menus               noarch 12.0.2-7.el7                  c7.00.00 144 k
DEBUG util.py:264:   redland                    i686   1.0.16-3.el7                  c6.99.00 162 k
DEBUG util.py:264:   redland-virtuoso           i686   1.0.16-3.el7                  c6.99.00  27 k
DEBUG util.py:264:   samba-common               i686   4.1.0-3.el7                   c6.99.00 682 k
DEBUG util.py:264:   samba-libs                 i686   4.1.0-3.el7                   c6.99.00 4.2 M
DEBUG util.py:264:   sgml-common                noarch 0.6.3-39.el7                  c7.00.00  53 k
DEBUG util.py:264:   shared-desktop-ontologies  noarch 0.11.0-2.el7                  c7.00.00 112 k
DEBUG util.py:264:   soprano                    i686   2.9.2-1.el7                   c6.99.00 609 k
DEBUG util.py:264:   sound-theme-freedesktop    noarch 0.8-3.el7                     c7.00.00 376 k
DEBUG util.py:264:   source-highlight           i686   3.1.6-6.el7                   c7.00.00 621 k
DEBUG util.py:264:   speex                      i686   1.2-0.19.rc1.el7              c7.00.00  96 k
DEBUG util.py:264:   startup-notification       i686   0.12-8.el7                    c7.00.00  39 k
DEBUG util.py:264:   strigi-libs                i686   0.7.7-11.20120626.el7         c7.00.00 459 k
DEBUG util.py:264:   systemd                    i686   207-8.el7                     c6.99.00 2.6 M
DEBUG util.py:264:   systemd-sysv               i686   207-8.el7                     c6.99.00  31 k
DEBUG util.py:264:   sysvinit-tools             i686   2.88-14.dsf.el7               c7.00.00  61 k
DEBUG util.py:264:   taglib                     i686   1.8-7.20130218git.el7         c7.00.00 313 k
DEBUG util.py:264:   tcp_wrappers-libs          i686   7.6-77.el7                    c7.00.00  65 k
DEBUG util.py:264:   udisks2                    i686   2.1.2-5.el7                   c7.00.00 310 k
DEBUG util.py:264:   upower                     i686   0.9.20-7.el7                  c7.00.00 126 k
DEBUG util.py:264:   usbmuxd                    i686   1.0.8-11.el7                  c7.00.00  68 k
DEBUG util.py:264:   virtuoso-opensource        i686   1:6.1.6-6.el7                 c7.00.00 3.4 M
DEBUG util.py:264:   wavpack                    i686   4.60.1-9.el7                  c7.00.00 128 k
DEBUG util.py:264:   xcb-util                   i686   0.3.9-4.el7                   c7.00.00  13 k
DEBUG util.py:264:   xdg-user-dirs              i686   0.15-4.el7                    c7.00.00  57 k
DEBUG util.py:264:   xdg-utils                  noarch 1.1.0-0.16.20120809git.el7    c7.00.00  69 k
DEBUG util.py:264:   xfsprogs                   i686   3.2.0-0.1.alpha1.el7          c6.99.00 854 k
DEBUG util.py:264:   xml-common                 noarch 0.6.3-39.el7                  c7.00.00  25 k
DEBUG util.py:264:   xorg-x11-proto-devel       noarch 7.7-7.el7                     c6.99.00 279 k
DEBUG util.py:264:   xorg-x11-server-utils      i686   7.7-2.el7                     c6.99.00 168 k
DEBUG util.py:264:   xorg-x11-xauth             i686   1:1.0.7-6.1.el7               c7.00.00  27 k
DEBUG util.py:264:   xorg-x11-xinit             i686   1.3.2-8.el7                   c6.99.00  52 k
DEBUG util.py:264:   xz-devel                   i686   5.1.2-5alpha.el7              c6.99.00  43 k
DEBUG util.py:264:   yajl                       i686   2.0.4-2.el7                   c6.99.00  38 k
DEBUG util.py:264:  Transaction Summary
DEBUG util.py:264:  ================================================================================
DEBUG util.py:264:  Install     377 Package(s)
DEBUG util.py:264:  Total download size: 176 M
DEBUG util.py:264:  Installed size: 593 M
DEBUG util.py:264:  Installed:
DEBUG util.py:264:    alsa-lib-devel.i686 0:                                          
DEBUG util.py:264:    autoconf213.noarch 0:2.13-31.el7                                              
DEBUG util.py:264:    bzip2-devel.i686 0:1.0.6-12.el7                                               
DEBUG util.py:264:    cairo-devel.i686 0:1.12.14-6.el7                                              
DEBUG util.py:264:    freetype-devel.i686 0:2.4.11-9.el7                                            
DEBUG util.py:264:    gnome-vfs2-devel.i686 0:2.24.4-14.el7                                         
DEBUG util.py:264:    gtk2-devel.i686 0:2.24.22-5.el7                                               
DEBUG util.py:264:    hunspell-devel.i686 0:1.3.2-13.el7                                            
DEBUG util.py:264:    krb5-devel.i686 0:1.11.3-31.el7                                               
DEBUG util.py:264:    libIDL-devel.i686 0:0.8.14-8.el7                                              
DEBUG util.py:264:    libXrender-devel.i686 0:0.9.8-2.1.el7                                         
DEBUG util.py:264:    libXt-devel.i686 0:1.1.4-6.1.el7                                              
DEBUG util.py:264:    libgnome-devel.i686 0:2.32.1-9.el7                                            
DEBUG util.py:264:    libgnomeui-devel.i686 0:2.24.5-8.el7                                          
DEBUG util.py:264:    libjpeg-turbo-devel.i686 0:1.2.90-5.el7                                       
DEBUG util.py:264:    libnotify-devel.i686 0:0.7.5-7.el7                                            
DEBUG util.py:264:    libpng-devel.i686 2:1.5.13-5.el7                                              
DEBUG util.py:264:    libvpx-devel.i686 0:1.2.0-4.el7                                               
DEBUG util.py:264:    mesa-libGL-devel.i686 0:9.2.5-5.20131218.el7                                  
DEBUG util.py:264:    nspr-devel.i686 0:4.10.2-4.el7                                                
DEBUG util.py:264:    nss-devel.i686 0:3.15.2-8.el7                                                 
DEBUG util.py:264:    pango-devel.i686 0:1.34.1-5.el7                                               
DEBUG util.py:264:    sqlite-devel.i686 0:3.7.17-4.el7                                              
DEBUG util.py:264:    startup-notification-devel.i686 0:0.12-8.el7                                  
DEBUG util.py:264:    zlib-devel.i686 0:1.2.7-10.el7                                                
DEBUG util.py:264:  Dependency Installed:
DEBUG util.py:264:    GConf2.i686 0:3.2.6-6.3.el7                                                   
DEBUG util.py:264:    GConf2-devel.i686 0:3.2.6-6.3.el7                                             
DEBUG util.py:264:    ORBit2.i686 0:2.14.19-8.el7                                                   
DEBUG util.py:264:    ORBit2-devel.i686 0:2.14.19-8.el7                                             
DEBUG util.py:264:    OpenEXR-libs.i686 0:1.7.1-5.el7                                               
DEBUG util.py:264:    acl.i686 0:2.2.51-9.el7                                                       
DEBUG util.py:264:    adwaita-cursor-theme.noarch 0:3.8.4-3.el7                                     
DEBUG util.py:264:    alsa-lib.i686 0:                                                
DEBUG util.py:264:    at-spi2-atk.i686 0:2.8.1-4.el7                                                
DEBUG util.py:264:    at-spi2-atk-devel.i686 0:2.8.1-4.el7                                          
DEBUG util.py:264:    at-spi2-core.i686 0:2.8.0-6.el7                                               
DEBUG util.py:264:    atk.i686 0:2.8.0-4.el7                                                        
DEBUG util.py:264:    atk-devel.i686 0:2.8.0-4.el7                                                  
DEBUG util.py:264:    attica.i686 0:0.4.1-4.el7                                                     
DEBUG util.py:264:    autoconf.noarch 0:2.69-11.el7                                                 
DEBUG util.py:264:    automake.noarch 0:1.13.4-2.el7                                                
DEBUG util.py:264:    avahi.i686 0:0.6.31-13.el7                                                    
DEBUG util.py:264:    avahi-glib.i686 0:0.6.31-13.el7                                               
DEBUG util.py:264:    avahi-libs.i686 0:0.6.31-13.el7                                               
DEBUG util.py:264:    boost-regex.i686 0:1.53.0-18.el7                                              
DEBUG util.py:264:    cairo.i686 0:1.12.14-6.el7                                                    
DEBUG util.py:264:    cairo-gobject.i686 0:1.12.14-6.el7                                            
DEBUG util.py:264:    cairo-gobject-devel.i686 0:1.12.14-6.el7                                      
DEBUG util.py:264:    cdparanoia-libs.i686 0:10.2-17.el7                                            
DEBUG util.py:264:    clucene-core.i686 0:                                            
DEBUG util.py:264:    colord-libs.i686 0:1.0.4-3.el7                                                
DEBUG util.py:264:    cryptsetup.i686 0:1.6.3-2.el7                                                 
DEBUG util.py:264:    cryptsetup-libs.i686 0:1.6.3-2.el7                                            
DEBUG util.py:264:    ctags.i686 0:5.8-13.el7                                                       
DEBUG util.py:264:    cups-libs.i686 1:1.6.3-14.el7                                                 
DEBUG util.py:264:    cyrus-sasl-plain.i686 0:2.1.26-17.el7                                         
DEBUG util.py:264:    dbus.i686 1:1.6.12-8.el7                                                      
DEBUG util.py:264:    dbus-devel.i686 1:1.6.12-8.el7                                                
DEBUG util.py:264:    dbus-glib.i686 0:0.100-7.el7                                                  
DEBUG util.py:264:    dbus-glib-devel.i686 0:0.100-7.el7                                            
DEBUG util.py:264:    dbus-x11.i686 1:1.6.12-8.el7                                                  
DEBUG util.py:264:    dbusmenu-qt.i686 0:0.9.2-7.el7                                                
DEBUG util.py:264:    desktop-file-utils.i686 0:0.21-4.el7                                          
DEBUG util.py:264:    device-mapper.i686 7:1.02.82-6.el7                                            
DEBUG util.py:264:    device-mapper-libs.i686 7:1.02.82-6.el7                                       
DEBUG util.py:264:    docbook-dtds.noarch 0:1.0-60.el7                                              
DEBUG util.py:264:    docbook-style-dsssl.noarch 0:1.79-17.el7                                      
DEBUG util.py:264:    docbook-style-xsl.noarch 0:1.78.1-3.el7                                       
DEBUG util.py:264:    docbook-utils.noarch 0:0.6.14-36.el7                                          
DEBUG util.py:264:    dosfstools.i686 0:3.0.20-9.el7                                                
DEBUG util.py:264:    e2fsprogs.i686 0:1.42.9-4.el7                                                 
DEBUG util.py:264:    e2fsprogs-libs.i686 0:1.42.9-4.el7                                            
DEBUG util.py:264:    emacs-filesystem.noarch 1:24.3-11.el7                                         
DEBUG util.py:264:    enchant.i686 1:1.6.0-6.el7                                                    
DEBUG util.py:264:    exiv2-libs.i686 0:0.23-6.el7                                                  
DEBUG util.py:264:    expat-devel.i686 0:2.1.0-8.el7                                                
DEBUG util.py:264:    fipscheck.i686 0:1.4.1-5.el7                                                  
DEBUG util.py:264:    fipscheck-lib.i686 0:1.4.1-5.el7                                              
DEBUG util.py:264:    flac-libs.i686 0:1.3.0-4.el7                                                  
DEBUG util.py:264:    fontconfig.i686 0:2.10.95-7.el7                                               
DEBUG util.py:264:    fontconfig-devel.i686 0:2.10.95-7.el7                                         
DEBUG util.py:264:    fontpackages-filesystem.noarch 0:1.44-8.el7                                   
DEBUG util.py:264:    freetype.i686 0:2.4.11-9.el7                                                  
DEBUG util.py:264:    gamin.i686 0:0.1.10-16.el7                                                    
DEBUG util.py:264:    gdisk.i686 0:0.8.6-4.el7                                                      
DEBUG util.py:264:    gdk-pixbuf2.i686 0:2.28.2-4.el7                                               
DEBUG util.py:264:    gdk-pixbuf2-devel.i686 0:2.28.2-4.el7                                         
DEBUG util.py:264:    giflib.i686 0:4.1.6-9.el7                                                     
DEBUG util.py:264:    gl-manpages.noarch 0:1.1-7.20130122.el7                                       
DEBUG util.py:264:    glib-networking.i686 0:2.36.2-3.el7                                           
DEBUG util.py:264:    glib2-devel.i686 0:2.36.3-5.el7                                               
DEBUG util.py:264:    gnome-vfs2.i686 0:2.24.4-14.el7                                               
DEBUG util.py:264:    gnutls.i686 0:3.1.18-8.el7                                                    
DEBUG util.py:264:    gobject-introspection.i686 0:1.36.0-4.el7                                     
DEBUG util.py:264:    gpgme.i686 0:1.3.2-5.el7                                                      
DEBUG util.py:264:    graphite2.i686 0:1.2.2-5.el7                                                  
DEBUG util.py:264:    gsettings-desktop-schemas.i686 0:3.8.2-3.el7                                  
DEBUG util.py:264:    gsm.i686 0:1.0.13-11.el7                                                      
DEBUG util.py:264:    gstreamer.i686 0:0.10.36-5.el7                                                
DEBUG util.py:264:    gstreamer-plugins-base.i686 0:0.10.36-10.el7                                  
DEBUG util.py:264:    gstreamer-plugins-good.i686 0:0.10.31-9.el7                                   
DEBUG util.py:264:    gstreamer-tools.i686 0:0.10.36-5.el7                                          
DEBUG util.py:264:    gstreamer1.i686 0:1.0.7-2.el7                                                 
DEBUG util.py:264:    gtk-doc.noarch 0:1.19-3.el7                                                   
DEBUG util.py:264:    gtk2.i686 0:2.24.22-5.el7                                                     
DEBUG util.py:264:    gtk3.i686 0:3.8.8-5.el7                                                       
DEBUG util.py:264:    gtk3-devel.i686 0:3.8.8-5.el7                                                 
DEBUG util.py:264:    gvfs.i686 0:1.16.3-3.el7                                                      
DEBUG util.py:264:    harfbuzz.i686 0:0.9.20-3.el7                                                  
DEBUG util.py:264:    harfbuzz-devel.i686 0:0.9.20-3.el7                                            
DEBUG util.py:264:    harfbuzz-icu.i686 0:0.9.20-3.el7                                              
DEBUG util.py:264:    hicolor-icon-theme.noarch 0:0.12-7.el7                                        
DEBUG util.py:264:    hostname.i686 0:3.13-3.el7                                                    
DEBUG util.py:264:    hunspell.i686 0:1.3.2-13.el7                                                  
DEBUG util.py:264:    hunspell-en-US.noarch 0:0.20121024-5.el7                                      
DEBUG util.py:264:    hwdata.noarch 0:0.252-7.3.el7                                                 
DEBUG util.py:264:    icoutils.i686 0:0.31.0-3.el7                                                  
DEBUG util.py:264:    ilmbase.i686 0:1.0.3-7.el7                                                    
DEBUG util.py:264:    indent.i686 0:2.2.11-11.el7                                                   
DEBUG util.py:264:    initscripts.i686 0:9.49.7-1.el7                                               
DEBUG util.py:264:    iproute.i686 0:3.10.0-6.el7                                                   
DEBUG util.py:264:    iptables.i686 0:                                                
DEBUG util.py:264:    iputils.i686 0:20121221-6.el7                                                 
DEBUG util.py:264:    iso-codes.noarch 0:3.46-2.el7                                                 
DEBUG util.py:264:    jasper-libs.i686 0:1.900.1-26.el7                                             
DEBUG util.py:264:    jbigkit-libs.i686 0:2.0-11.el7                                                
DEBUG util.py:264:    json-c.i686 0:0.11-3.el7                                                      
DEBUG util.py:264:    kactivities.i686 0:4.10.5-3.el7                                               
DEBUG util.py:264:    kbd.i686 0:1.15.5-10.el7                                                      
DEBUG util.py:264:    kbd-misc.noarch 0:1.15.5-10.el7                                               
DEBUG util.py:264:    kde-filesystem.i686 0:4-47.el7                                                
DEBUG util.py:264:    kde-runtime.i686 0:4.10.5-8.el7                                               
DEBUG util.py:264:    kde-runtime-drkonqi.i686 0:4.10.5-8.el7                                       
DEBUG util.py:264:    kde-runtime-libs.i686 0:4.10.5-8.el7                                          
DEBUG util.py:264:    kde-settings.noarch 0:19-23.4.el7                                             
DEBUG util.py:264:    kdelibs.i686 6:4.10.5-6.el7                                                   
DEBUG util.py:264:    kdelibs-common.i686 6:4.10.5-6.el7                                            
DEBUG util.py:264:    kdepimlibs.i686 0:4.10.5-3.el7                                                
DEBUG util.py:264:    kdepimlibs-kxmlrpcclient.i686 0:4.10.5-3.el7                                  
DEBUG util.py:264:    keyutils-libs-devel.i686 0:1.5.8-3.el7                                        
DEBUG util.py:264:    kmod.i686 0:14-9.el7                                                          
DEBUG util.py:264:    kmod-libs.i686 0:14-9.el7                                                     
DEBUG util.py:264:    lcms2.i686 0:2.5-4.el7                                                        
DEBUG util.py:264:    libICE.i686 0:1.0.8-7.el7                                                     
DEBUG util.py:264:    libICE-devel.i686 0:1.0.8-7.el7                                               
DEBUG util.py:264:    libIDL.i686 0:0.8.14-8.el7                                                    
DEBUG util.py:264:    libSM.i686 0:1.2.1-7.el7                                                      
DEBUG util.py:264:    libSM-devel.i686 0:1.2.1-7.el7                                                
DEBUG util.py:264:    libX11.i686 0:1.6.0-2.1.el7                                                   
DEBUG util.py:264:    libX11-common.noarch 0:1.6.0-2.1.el7                                          
DEBUG util.py:264:    libX11-devel.i686 0:1.6.0-2.1.el7                                             
DEBUG util.py:264:    libXScrnSaver.i686 0:1.2.2-6.1.el7                                            
DEBUG util.py:264:    libXau.i686 0:1.0.8-2.1.el7                                                   
DEBUG util.py:264:    libXau-devel.i686 0:1.0.8-2.1.el7                                             
DEBUG util.py:264:    libXcomposite.i686 0:0.4.4-4.1.el7                                            
DEBUG util.py:264:    libXcomposite-devel.i686 0:0.4.4-4.1.el7                                      
DEBUG util.py:264:    libXcursor.i686 0:1.1.14-2.1.el7                                              
DEBUG util.py:264:    libXcursor-devel.i686 0:1.1.14-2.1.el7                                        
DEBUG util.py:264:    libXdamage.i686 0:1.1.4-4.1.el7                                               
DEBUG util.py:264:    libXdamage-devel.i686 0:1.1.4-4.1.el7                                         
DEBUG util.py:264:    libXevie.i686 0:1.0.3-7.1.el7                                                 
DEBUG util.py:264:    libXext.i686 0:1.3.2-2.1.el7                                                  
DEBUG util.py:264:    libXext-devel.i686 0:1.3.2-2.1.el7                                            
DEBUG util.py:264:    libXfixes.i686 0:5.0.1-2.1.el7                                                
DEBUG util.py:264:    libXfixes-devel.i686 0:5.0.1-2.1.el7                                          
DEBUG util.py:264:    libXft.i686 0:2.3.1-5.1.el7                                                   
DEBUG util.py:264:    libXft-devel.i686 0:2.3.1-5.1.el7                                             
DEBUG util.py:264:    libXi.i686 0:1.7.2-2.1.el7                                                    
DEBUG util.py:264:    libXi-devel.i686 0:1.7.2-2.1.el7                                              
DEBUG util.py:264:    libXinerama.i686 0:1.1.3-2.1.el7                                              
DEBUG util.py:264:    libXinerama-devel.i686 0:1.1.3-2.1.el7                                        
DEBUG util.py:264:    libXmu.i686 0:1.1.1-5.1.el7                                                   
DEBUG util.py:264:    libXpm.i686 0:3.5.10-5.1.el7                                                  
DEBUG util.py:264:    libXrandr.i686 0:1.4.1-2.1.el7                                                
DEBUG util.py:264:    libXrandr-devel.i686 0:1.4.1-2.1.el7                                          
DEBUG util.py:264:    libXrender.i686 0:0.9.8-2.1.el7                                               
DEBUG util.py:264:    libXt.i686 0:1.1.4-6.1.el7                                                    
DEBUG util.py:264:    libXtst.i686 0:1.2.2-2.1.el7                                                  
DEBUG util.py:264:    libXv.i686 0:1.0.9-2.1.el7                                                    
DEBUG util.py:264:    libXxf86misc.i686 0:1.0.3-7.1.el7                                             
DEBUG util.py:264:    libXxf86vm.i686 0:1.1.3-2.1.el7                                               
DEBUG util.py:264:    libXxf86vm-devel.i686 0:1.1.3-2.1.el7                                         
DEBUG util.py:264:    libart_lgpl.i686 0:2.3.21-9.el7                                               
DEBUG util.py:264:    libart_lgpl-devel.i686 0:2.3.21-9.el7                                         
DEBUG util.py:264:    libasyncns.i686 0:0.8-7.el7                                                   
DEBUG util.py:264:    libatasmart.i686 0:0.19-6.el7                                                 
DEBUG util.py:264:    libavc1394.i686 0:0.5.3-14.el7                                                
DEBUG util.py:264:    libbluray.i686 0:0.2.3-3.el7                                                  
DEBUG util.py:264:    libbonobo.i686 0:2.32.1-7.el7                                                 
DEBUG util.py:264:    libbonobo-devel.i686 0:2.32.1-7.el7                                           
DEBUG util.py:264:    libbonoboui.i686 0:2.24.5-7.el7                                               
DEBUG util.py:264:    libbonoboui-devel.i686 0:2.24.5-7.el7                                         
DEBUG util.py:264:    libbsd.i686 0:0.5.2-2.el7                                                     
DEBUG util.py:264:    libcanberra.i686 0:0.30-5.el7                                                 
DEBUG util.py:264:    libcanberra-devel.i686 0:0.30-5.el7                                           
DEBUG util.py:264:    libcanberra-gtk2.i686 0:0.30-5.el7                                            
DEBUG util.py:264:    libcanberra-gtk3.i686 0:0.30-5.el7                                            
DEBUG util.py:264:    libcdio.i686 0:0.90-2.el7                                                     
DEBUG util.py:264:    libcdio-paranoia.i686 0:10.2+0.90-11.el7                                      
DEBUG util.py:264:    libcom_err-devel.i686 0:1.42.9-4.el7                                          
DEBUG util.py:264:    libdaemon.i686 0:0.14-7.el7                                                   
DEBUG util.py:264:    libdrm.i686 0:2.4.50-1.1.el7                                                  
DEBUG util.py:264:    libdrm-devel.i686 0:2.4.50-1.1.el7                                            
DEBUG util.py:264:    libdv.i686 0:1.0.0-17.el7                                                     
DEBUG util.py:264:    libglade2.i686 0:2.6.4-11.el7                                                 
DEBUG util.py:264:    libglade2-devel.i686 0:2.6.4-11.el7                                           
DEBUG util.py:264:    libgnome.i686 0:2.32.1-9.el7                                                  
DEBUG util.py:264:    libgnome-keyring.i686 0:3.8.0-3.el7                                           
DEBUG util.py:264:    libgnome-keyring-devel.i686 0:3.8.0-3.el7                                     
DEBUG util.py:264:    libgnomecanvas.i686 0:2.30.3-8.el7                                            
DEBUG util.py:264:    libgnomecanvas-devel.i686 0:2.30.3-8.el7                                      
DEBUG util.py:264:    libgnomeui.i686 0:2.24.5-8.el7                                                
DEBUG util.py:264:    libgudev1.i686 0:207-8.el7                                                    
DEBUG util.py:264:    libgusb.i686 0:0.1.6-3.el7                                                    
DEBUG util.py:264:    libical.i686 0:0.48-6.el7                                                     
DEBUG util.py:264:    libicu.i686 0:50.1.2-8.el7                                                    
DEBUG util.py:264:    libicu-devel.i686 0:50.1.2-8.el7                                              
DEBUG util.py:264:    libiec61883.i686 0:1.2.0-10.el7                                               
DEBUG util.py:264:    libimobiledevice.i686 0:1.1.5-6.el7                                           
DEBUG util.py:264:    libiodbc.i686 0:3.52.7-7.el7                                                  
DEBUG util.py:264:    libjpeg-turbo.i686 0:1.2.90-5.el7                                             
DEBUG util.py:264:    libldb.i686 0:1.1.16-4.el7                                                    
DEBUG util.py:264:    libmng.i686 0:1.0.10-14.el7                                                   
DEBUG util.py:264:    libmodman.i686 0:2.0.1-8.el7                                                  
DEBUG util.py:264:    libnotify.i686 0:0.7.5-7.el7                                                  
DEBUG util.py:264:    libogg.i686 2:1.3.0-7.el7                                                     
DEBUG util.py:264:    libpciaccess.i686 0:0.13.1-4.1.el7                                            
DEBUG util.py:264:    libplist.i686 0:1.10-4.el7                                                    
DEBUG util.py:264:    libpng.i686 2:1.5.13-5.el7                                                    
DEBUG util.py:264:    libproxy.i686 0:0.4.11-6.el7                                                  
DEBUG util.py:264:    libraw1394.i686 0:2.1.0-2.el7                                                 
DEBUG util.py:264:    libreport-filesystem.i686 0:2.1.7-4.el7                                       
DEBUG util.py:264:    libsecret.i686 0:0.15-3.el7                                                   
DEBUG util.py:264:    libselinux-devel.i686 0:2.1.13-21.el7                                         
DEBUG util.py:264:    libsepol-devel.i686 0:2.1.9-3.el7                                             
DEBUG util.py:264:    libshout.i686 0:2.2.2-11.el7                                                  
DEBUG util.py:264:    libsmbclient.i686 0:4.1.0-3.el7                                               
DEBUG util.py:264:    libsndfile.i686 0:1.0.25-9.el7                                                
DEBUG util.py:264:    libsoup.i686 0:2.42.2-3.el7                                                   
DEBUG util.py:264:    libss.i686 0:1.42.9-4.el7                                                     
DEBUG util.py:264:    libtalloc.i686 0:2.0.8-4.el7                                                  
DEBUG util.py:264:    libtdb.i686 0:1.2.12-3.el7                                                    
DEBUG util.py:264:    libtevent.i686 0:0.9.18-6.el7                                                 
DEBUG util.py:264:    libthai.i686 0:0.1.14-9.el7                                                   
DEBUG util.py:264:    libtheora.i686 1:1.1.1-6.el7                                                  
DEBUG util.py:264:    libtiff.i686 0:4.0.3-14.el7                                                   
DEBUG util.py:264:    libtool-ltdl.i686 0:2.4.2-20.el7                                              
DEBUG util.py:264:    libudisks2.i686 0:2.1.2-5.el7                                                 
DEBUG util.py:264:    libusbx.i686 0:1.0.15-4.el7                                                   
DEBUG util.py:264:    libv4l.i686 0:0.9.5-4.el7                                                     
DEBUG util.py:264:    libverto-devel.i686 0:0.2.5-4.el7                                             
DEBUG util.py:264:    libvisual.i686 0:0.4.0-16.el7                                                 
DEBUG util.py:264:    libvorbis.i686 1:1.3.3-8.el7                                                  
DEBUG util.py:264:    libvpx.i686 0:1.2.0-4.el7                                                     
DEBUG util.py:264:    libwbclient.i686 0:4.1.0-3.el7                                                
DEBUG util.py:264:    libxcb.i686 0:1.9-5.el7                                                       
DEBUG util.py:264:    libxcb-devel.i686 0:1.9-5.el7                                                 
DEBUG util.py:264:    libxml2-devel.i686 0:2.9.1-5.el7                                              
DEBUG util.py:264:    libxslt.i686 0:1.1.28-5.el7                                                   
DEBUG util.py:264:    lynx.i686 0:2.8.8-0.3.dev15.el7                                               
DEBUG util.py:264:    m4.i686 0:1.4.16-9.el7                                                        
DEBUG util.py:264:    mailcap.noarch 0:2.1.41-2.el7                                                 
DEBUG util.py:264:    mdadm.i686 0:3.2.6-31.el7                                                     
DEBUG util.py:264:    media-player-info.noarch 0:17-4.el7                                           
DEBUG util.py:264:    mesa-libEGL.i686 0:9.2.5-5.20131218.el7                                       
DEBUG util.py:264:    mesa-libEGL-devel.i686 0:9.2.5-5.20131218.el7                                 
DEBUG util.py:264:    mesa-libGL.i686 0:9.2.5-5.20131218.el7                                        
DEBUG util.py:264:    mesa-libgbm.i686 0:9.2.5-5.20131218.el7                                       
DEBUG util.py:264:    mesa-libglapi.i686 0:9.2.5-5.20131218.el7                                     
DEBUG util.py:264:    mozjs17.i686 0:17.0.0-10.el7                                                  
DEBUG util.py:264:    nepomuk-core.i686 0:4.10.5-5.el7                                              
DEBUG util.py:264:    nepomuk-core-libs.i686 0:4.10.5-5.el7                                         
DEBUG util.py:264:    nettle.i686 0:2.6-2.el7                                                       
DEBUG util.py:264:    nss-softokn-devel.i686 0:3.15.2-2.el7                                         
DEBUG util.py:264:    nss-softokn-freebl-devel.i686 0:3.15.2-2.el7                                  
DEBUG util.py:264:    nss-util-devel.i686 0:3.15.2-1.el7                                            
DEBUG util.py:264:    openjade.i686 0:1.3.2-45.el7                                                  
DEBUG util.py:264:    openjpeg-libs.i686 0:1.5.1-5.el7                                              
DEBUG util.py:264:    opensp.i686 0:1.5.2-17.el7                                                    
DEBUG util.py:264:    openssl.i686 1:1.0.1e-23.el7                                                  
DEBUG util.py:264:    orc.i686 0:0.4.17-5.el7                                                       
DEBUG util.py:264:    oxygen-icon-theme.noarch 0:4.10.5-2.el7                                       
DEBUG util.py:264:    pango.i686 0:1.34.1-5.el7                                                     
DEBUG util.py:264:    parted.i686 0:3.1-17.el7                                                      
DEBUG util.py:264:    pciutils.i686 0:3.2.1-4.el7                                                   
DEBUG util.py:264:    pciutils-libs.i686 0:3.2.1-4.el7                                              
DEBUG util.py:264:    perl-Business-ISBN.noarch 0:2.06-2.el7                                        
DEBUG util.py:264:    perl-Business-ISBN-Data.noarch 0:20120719.001-2.el7                           
DEBUG util.py:264:    perl-Compress-Raw-Bzip2.i686 0:2.061-3.el7                                    
DEBUG util.py:264:    perl-Compress-Raw-Zlib.i686 1:2.061-4.el7                                     
DEBUG util.py:264:    perl-Data-Dumper.i686 0:2.145-3.el7                                           
DEBUG util.py:264:    perl-Digest.noarch 0:1.17-245.el7                                             
DEBUG util.py:264:    perl-Digest-MD5.i686 0:2.52-3.el7                                             
DEBUG util.py:264:    perl-Encode-Locale.noarch 0:1.03-5.el7                                        
DEBUG util.py:264:    perl-File-Listing.noarch 0:6.04-7.el7                                         
DEBUG util.py:264:    perl-HTML-Parser.i686 0:3.71-4.el7                                            
DEBUG util.py:264:    perl-HTML-Tagset.noarch 0:3.20-15.el7                                         
DEBUG util.py:264:    perl-HTTP-Cookies.noarch 0:6.01-5.el7                                         
DEBUG util.py:264:    perl-HTTP-Daemon.noarch 0:6.01-5.el7                                          
DEBUG util.py:264:    perl-HTTP-Date.noarch 0:6.02-8.el7                                            
DEBUG util.py:264:    perl-HTTP-Message.noarch 0:6.06-6.el7                                         
DEBUG util.py:264:    perl-HTTP-Negotiate.noarch 0:6.01-5.el7                                       
DEBUG util.py:264:    perl-IO-Compress.noarch 0:2.061-2.el7                                         
DEBUG util.py:264:    perl-IO-HTML.noarch 0:1.00-2.el7                                              
DEBUG util.py:264:    perl-IO-Socket-IP.noarch 0:0.21-4.el7                                         
DEBUG util.py:264:    perl-IO-Socket-SSL.noarch 0:1.94-3.el7                                        
DEBUG util.py:264:    perl-LWP-MediaTypes.noarch 0:6.02-2.el7                                       
DEBUG util.py:264:    perl-Net-HTTP.noarch 0:6.06-2.el7                                             
DEBUG util.py:264:    perl-Net-LibIDN.i686 0:0.12-15.el7                                            
DEBUG util.py:264:    perl-Net-SSLeay.i686 0:1.55-3.el7                                             
DEBUG util.py:264:    perl-SGMLSpm.noarch 0:1.03ii-31.el7                                           
DEBUG util.py:264:    perl-Test-Harness.noarch 0:3.28-2.el7                                         
DEBUG util.py:264:    perl-TimeDate.noarch 1:2.30-2.el7                                             
DEBUG util.py:264:    perl-URI.noarch 0:1.60-9.el7                                                  
DEBUG util.py:264:    perl-WWW-RobotRules.noarch 0:6.02-5.el7                                       
DEBUG util.py:264:    perl-libwww-perl.noarch 0:6.05-2.el7                                          
DEBUG util.py:264:    phonon.i686 0:4.6.0-9.el7                                                     
DEBUG util.py:264:    phonon-backend-gstreamer.i686 2:4.6.3-3.el7                                   
DEBUG util.py:264:    pixman.i686 0:0.32.4-3.el7                                                    
DEBUG util.py:264:    pixman-devel.i686 0:0.32.4-3.el7                                              
DEBUG util.py:264:    pm-utils.i686 0:1.4.1-26.el7                                                  
DEBUG util.py:264:    polkit.i686 0:0.112-5.el7                                                     
DEBUG util.py:264:    polkit-pkla-compat.i686 0:0.1-4.el7                                           
DEBUG util.py:264:    polkit-qt.i686 0:0.103.0-9.el7                                                
DEBUG util.py:264:    poppler.i686 0:0.22.5-6.el7                                                   
DEBUG util.py:264:    poppler-data.noarch 0:0.4.6-3.el7                                             
DEBUG util.py:264:    poppler-qt.i686 0:0.22.5-6.el7                                                
DEBUG util.py:264:    poppler-utils.i686 0:0.22.5-6.el7                                             
DEBUG util.py:264:    popt-devel.i686 0:1.13-16.el7                                                 
DEBUG util.py:264:    procps-ng.i686 0:3.3.9-6.el7                                                  
DEBUG util.py:264:    psmisc.i686 0:22.20-8.el7                                                     
DEBUG util.py:264:    pulseaudio-libs.i686 0:3.0-22.el7                                             
DEBUG util.py:264:    pulseaudio-libs-glib2.i686 0:3.0-22.el7                                       
DEBUG util.py:264:    pytalloc.i686 0:2.0.8-4.el7                                                   
DEBUG util.py:264:    python.i686 0:2.7.5-16.el7                                                    
DEBUG util.py:264:    qca2.i686 0:2.0.3-7.el7                                                       
DEBUG util.py:264:    qrencode-libs.i686 0:3.4.1-3.el7                                              
DEBUG util.py:264:    qt.i686 1:4.8.5-8.el7                                                         
DEBUG util.py:264:    qt-settings.noarch 0:19-23.4.el7                                              
DEBUG util.py:264:    qt-x11.i686 1:4.8.5-8.el7                                                     
DEBUG util.py:264:    raptor2.i686 0:2.0.9-1.el7                                                    
DEBUG util.py:264:    rasqal.i686 0:0.9.30-2.el7                                                    
DEBUG util.py:264:    redhat-indexhtml.noarch 0:7-4.el7                                             
DEBUG util.py:264:    redhat-menus.noarch 0:12.0.2-7.el7                                            
DEBUG util.py:264:    redland.i686 0:1.0.16-3.el7                                                   
DEBUG util.py:264:    redland-virtuoso.i686 0:1.0.16-3.el7                                          
DEBUG util.py:264:    samba-common.i686 0:4.1.0-3.el7                                               
DEBUG util.py:264:    samba-libs.i686 0:4.1.0-3.el7                                                 
DEBUG util.py:264:    sgml-common.noarch 0:0.6.3-39.el7                                             
DEBUG util.py:264:    shared-desktop-ontologies.noarch 0:0.11.0-2.el7                               
DEBUG util.py:264:    soprano.i686 0:2.9.2-1.el7                                                    
DEBUG util.py:264:    sound-theme-freedesktop.noarch 0:0.8-3.el7                                    
DEBUG util.py:264:    source-highlight.i686 0:3.1.6-6.el7                                           
DEBUG util.py:264:    speex.i686 0:1.2-0.19.rc1.el7                                                 
DEBUG util.py:264:    startup-notification.i686 0:0.12-8.el7                                        
DEBUG util.py:264:    strigi-libs.i686 0:0.7.7-11.20120626.el7                                      
DEBUG util.py:264:    systemd.i686 0:207-8.el7                                                      
DEBUG util.py:264:    systemd-sysv.i686 0:207-8.el7                                                 
DEBUG util.py:264:    sysvinit-tools.i686 0:2.88-14.dsf.el7                                         
DEBUG util.py:264:    taglib.i686 0:1.8-7.20130218git.el7                                           
DEBUG util.py:264:    tcp_wrappers-libs.i686 0:7.6-77.el7                                           
DEBUG util.py:264:    udisks2.i686 0:2.1.2-5.el7                                                    
DEBUG util.py:264:    upower.i686 0:0.9.20-7.el7                                                    
DEBUG util.py:264:    usbmuxd.i686 0:1.0.8-11.el7                                                   
DEBUG util.py:264:    virtuoso-opensource.i686 1:6.1.6-6.el7                                        
DEBUG util.py:264:    wavpack.i686 0:4.60.1-9.el7                                                   
DEBUG util.py:264:    xcb-util.i686 0:0.3.9-4.el7                                                   
DEBUG util.py:264:    xdg-user-dirs.i686 0:0.15-4.el7                                               
DEBUG util.py:264:    xdg-utils.noarch 0:1.1.0-0.16.20120809git.el7                                 
DEBUG util.py:264:    xfsprogs.i686 0:3.2.0-0.1.alpha1.el7                                          
DEBUG util.py:264:    xml-common.noarch 0:0.6.3-39.el7                                              
DEBUG util.py:264:    xorg-x11-proto-devel.noarch 0:7.7-7.el7                                       
DEBUG util.py:264:    xorg-x11-server-utils.i686 0:7.7-2.el7                                        
DEBUG util.py:264:    xorg-x11-xauth.i686 1:1.0.7-6.1.el7                                           
DEBUG util.py:264:    xorg-x11-xinit.i686 0:1.3.2-8.el7                                             
DEBUG util.py:264:    xz-devel.i686 0:5.1.2-5alpha.el7                                              
DEBUG util.py:264:    yajl.i686 0:2.0.4-2.el7                                                       
DEBUG util.py:354:  Child return code was: 0
DEBUG util.py:314:  Executing command: /usr/bin/repoquery -c /tmp/tmpC_7dxU --installed -a --qf '%{nevra} %{buildtime} %{size} %{pkgid} %{yumdb_info.from_repo}' > logs/c7.00.00/xulrunner/20140425211806/24.4.0-1.el7.i386/installed_pkgs with env {'LANG': 'en_US.UTF-8', 'TERM': 'vt100', 'SHELL': '/bin/bash', 'HOSTNAME': 'mock', 'HOME': '/builddir', 'PATH': '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin'}
DEBUG util.py:354:  Child return code was: 0
DEBUG util.py:314:  Executing command: ['/bin/umount', '-n', '/srv/build/3/workerI/mock-root/c7.00.00-i686/root/proc/filesystems'] with env {'LANG': 'en_US.UTF-8', 'TERM': 'vt100', 'SHELL': '/bin/bash', 'HOSTNAME': 'mock', 'HOME': '/builddir', 'PATH': '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin'}
DEBUG util.py:354:  Child return code was: 0
DEBUG util.py:314:  Executing command: ['/bin/umount', '-n', '-l', '/srv/build/3/workerI/mock-root/c7.00.00-i686/root/dev/pts'] with env {'LANG': 'en_US.UTF-8', 'TERM': 'vt100', 'SHELL': '/bin/bash', 'HOSTNAME': 'mock', 'HOME': '/builddir', 'PATH': '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin'}
DEBUG util.py:354:  Child return code was: 0
DEBUG util.py:314:  Executing command: ['/bin/umount', '-n', '-l', '/srv/build/3/workerI/mock-root/c7.00.00-i686/root/dev/shm'] with env {'LANG': 'en_US.UTF-8', 'TERM': 'vt100', 'SHELL': '/bin/bash', 'HOSTNAME': 'mock', 'HOME': '/builddir', 'PATH': '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin'}
DEBUG util.py:354:  Child return code was: 0
DEBUG util.py:314:  Executing command: ['/bin/umount', '-n', '-l', '/srv/build/3/workerI/mock-root/c7.00.00-i686/root/sys'] with env {'LANG': 'en_US.UTF-8', 'TERM': 'vt100', 'SHELL': '/bin/bash', 'HOSTNAME': 'mock', 'HOME': '/builddir', 'PATH': '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin'}
DEBUG util.py:354:  Child return code was: 0
DEBUG util.py:314:  Executing command: ['/bin/umount', '-n', '-l', '/srv/build/3/workerI/mock-root/c7.00.00-i686/root/proc'] with env {'LANG': 'en_US.UTF-8', 'TERM': 'vt100', 'SHELL': '/bin/bash', 'HOSTNAME': 'mock', 'HOME': '/builddir', 'PATH': '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin'}
DEBUG util.py:354:  Child return code was: 0
DEBUG util.py:116:  kill orphans
DEBUG util.py:88:  remove tree: /srv/build/3/workerI/mock-root/c7.00.00-i686.tmp
INFO backend.py:220:  chroot (/srv/build/3/workerI/mock-root/c7.00.00-i686) unlocked and deleted
DEBUG util.py:116:  kill orphans
BUILD log: ----------------( last 500 lines )-----\n\n
Mock Version: 1.1.32
ENTER do(['bash', '--login', '-c', 'rpmbuild -bs --target i686 --nodeps builddir/build/SPECS/xulrunner.spec'], False, '/srv/build/3/workerI/mock-root/c7.00.00-i686/root/', None, 21600, True, False, 502, 498, None, False, {'LANG': 'en_US.UTF-8', 'TERM': 'vt100', 'SHELL': '/bin/bash', 'HOSTNAME': 'mock', 'PROMPT_COMMAND': 'echo -n "<mock-chroot>"', 'HOME': '/builddir', 'PATH': '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin'}, logger=<mockbuild.trace_decorator.getLog object at 0x23a5210>)
Executing command: ['bash', '--login', '-c', 'rpmbuild -bs --target i686 --nodeps builddir/build/SPECS/xulrunner.spec'] with env {'LANG': 'en_US.UTF-8', 'TERM': 'vt100', 'SHELL': '/bin/bash', 'HOSTNAME': 'mock', 'PROMPT_COMMAND': 'echo -n "<mock-chroot>"', 'HOME': '/builddir', 'PATH': '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin'}
warning: Could not canonicalize hostname: b18.bsys.dev.centos.org
Building target platforms: i686
Building for target i686
Wrote: /builddir/build/SRPMS/xulrunner-24.4.0-1.el7.src.rpm
Child return code was: 0
LEAVE do --> 

ENTER do(['bash', '--login', '-c', 'rpmbuild -bb --target i686 --nodeps builddir/build/SPECS/xulrunner.spec'], False, '/srv/build/3/workerI/mock-root/c7.00.00-i686/root/', None, 21600, True, False, 502, 498, None, False, {'LANG': 'en_US.UTF-8', 'TERM': 'vt100', 'SHELL': '/bin/bash', 'HOSTNAME': 'mock', 'PROMPT_COMMAND': 'echo -n "<mock-chroot>"', 'HOME': '/builddir', 'PATH': '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin'}, logger=<mockbuild.trace_decorator.getLog object at 0x23a5210>)
Executing command: ['bash', '--login', '-c', 'rpmbuild -bb --target i686 --nodeps builddir/build/SPECS/xulrunner.spec'] with env {'LANG': 'en_US.UTF-8', 'TERM': 'vt100', 'SHELL': '/bin/bash', 'HOSTNAME': 'mock', 'PROMPT_COMMAND': 'echo -n "<mock-chroot>"', 'HOME': '/builddir', 'PATH': '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin'}
Building target platforms: i686
Building for target i686
Executing(%prep): /bin/sh -e /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.E0oYRC
+ umask 022
+ cd /builddir/build/BUILD
+ cd /builddir/build/BUILD
+ rm -rf xulrunner-24.4.0
+ /usr/bin/mkdir -p xulrunner-24.4.0
+ cd xulrunner-24.4.0
+ /usr/bin/bzip2 -dc /builddir/build/SOURCES/firefox-24.4.0esr.source.tar.bz2
+ /usr/bin/tar -xf -
+ '[' 0 -ne 0 ']'
+ /usr/bin/chmod -Rf a+rX,u+w,g-w,o-w .
+ cd mozilla-esr24
+ sed -e s/__RH_NSPR_VERSION__/4.10/ /builddir/build/SOURCES/xulrunner-nspr-version.patch
+ /usr/bin/patch -p2 -b --suffix .nspr --fuzz=0
patching file xulrunner/installer/Makefile.in
Hunk #1 succeeded at 89 (offset -2 lines).
+ echo 'Patch #1 (mozilla-build.patch):'
Patch #1 (mozilla-build.patch):
+ /usr/bin/cat /builddir/build/SOURCES/mozilla-build.patch
+ /usr/bin/patch -p1 -b --suffix .build --fuzz=0
patching file security/build/Makefile.in
Hunk #1 succeeded at 136 (offset 3 lines).
patching file security/manager/ssl/src/Makefile.in
Hunk #1 succeeded at 18 (offset -68 lines).
Patch #2 (xulrunner-install-dir.patch):
+ echo 'Patch #2 (xulrunner-install-dir.patch):'
+ /usr/bin/cat /builddir/build/SOURCES/xulrunner-install-dir.patch
+ /usr/bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=0
patching file config/baseconfig.mk
patching file js/src/config/baseconfig.mk
+ echo 'Patch #3 (xulrunner-webrtc-secondarch.patch):'
Patch #3 (xulrunner-webrtc-secondarch.patch):
+ /usr/bin/cat /builddir/build/SOURCES/xulrunner-webrtc-secondarch.patch
+ /usr/bin/patch -p2 -b --suffix .webrtc-secondarch --fuzz=0
patching file media/webrtc/trunk/webrtc/typedefs.h
Hunk #1 succeeded at 42 (offset 5 lines).
Patch #16 (xulrunner-2.0-chromium-types.patch):
+ echo 'Patch #16 (xulrunner-2.0-chromium-types.patch):'
+ /usr/bin/cat /builddir/build/SOURCES/xulrunner-2.0-chromium-types.patch
+ /usr/bin/patch -p2 -b --suffix .chromium-types --fuzz=0
patching file gfx/ycbcr/chromium_types.h
Hunk #1 succeeded at 34 (offset -27 lines).
Hunk #2 succeeded at 50 (offset -27 lines).
+ echo 'Patch #17 (camelia.patch):'
Patch #17 (camelia.patch):
+ /usr/bin/cat /builddir/build/SOURCES/camelia.patch
+ /usr/bin/patch -p1 -b --suffix .camelia --fuzz=0
patching file netwerk/base/public/security-prefs.js
patching file security/manager/ssl/src/nsNSSComponent.cpp
Patch #20 (xulrunner-24.0-jemalloc-ppc.patch):
+ echo 'Patch #20 (xulrunner-24.0-jemalloc-ppc.patch):'
+ /usr/bin/cat /builddir/build/SOURCES/xulrunner-24.0-jemalloc-ppc.patch
+ /usr/bin/patch -p2 -b --suffix .jemalloc-ppc --fuzz=0
patching file memory/mozjemalloc/jemalloc.c
+ echo 'Patch #51 (mozilla-193-pkgconfig.patch):'
Patch #51 (mozilla-193-pkgconfig.patch):
+ /usr/bin/cat /builddir/build/SOURCES/mozilla-193-pkgconfig.patch
+ /usr/bin/patch -p2 -b --suffix .pk --fuzz=0
patching file xulrunner/installer/libxul-embedding.pc.in
patching file xulrunner/installer/libxul.pc.in
patching file xulrunner/installer/Makefile.in
Hunk #1 succeeded at 83 (offset -33 lines).
+ echo 'Patch #54 (rhbz-872752.patch):'
Patch #54 (rhbz-872752.patch):
+ /usr/bin/cat /builddir/build/SOURCES/rhbz-872752.patch
+ /usr/bin/patch -p2 -b --suffix .embedlink --fuzz=0
patching file xulrunner/installer/Makefile.in
Hunk #1 succeeded at 48 (offset 2 lines).
patching file xulrunner/installer/libxul-embedding-lib.pc.in
patching file xulrunner/installer/libxul-embedding.pc.in
+ echo 'Patch #55 (rhbz-966424.patch):'
Patch #55 (rhbz-966424.patch):
+ /usr/bin/cat /builddir/build/SOURCES/rhbz-966424.patch
+ /usr/bin/patch -p1 -b --suffix .973720 --fuzz=0
patching file toolkit/modules/CertUtils.jsm
Patch #100 (xulrunner-24.0-gcc47.patch):
+ echo 'Patch #100 (xulrunner-24.0-gcc47.patch):'
+ /usr/bin/cat /builddir/build/SOURCES/xulrunner-24.0-gcc47.patch
+ /usr/bin/patch -p2 -b --suffix .gcc-4.7 --fuzz=0
patching file toolkit/crashreporter/client/Makefile.in
+ /usr/bin/rm -f .mozconfig
+ /usr/bin/cp /builddir/build/SOURCES/xulrunner-mozconfig .mozconfig
+ echo 'ac_add_options --with-system-nspr'
+ echo 'ac_add_options --with-system-nss'
+ echo 'ac_add_options --enable-system-sqlite'
+ echo 'ac_add_options --with-system-libvpx'
+ echo 'ac_add_options --enable-webm'
+ echo 'ac_add_options --enable-webrtc'
+ echo 'ac_add_options --enable-ogg'
+ echo 'ac_add_options --enable-system-hunspell'
+ echo 'ac_add_options --enable-libnotify'
+ echo 'ac_add_options --enable-startup-notification'
+ echo 'ac_add_options --enable-jemalloc'
+ echo 'ac_add_options --disable-debug'
+ echo 'ac_add_options --enable-optimize'
+ exit 0
Executing(%build): /bin/sh -e /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.HK8DKY
+ umask 022
+ cd /builddir/build/BUILD
+ cd xulrunner-24.4.0
++ expr 3.6.22 : '\([0-9]*\.\)[0-9]*\.'
+ sqlite_version=3.
+ case "3.7.17" in
+ cd mozilla-esr24
++ echo '-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches   -m32 -march=x86-64 -mtune=generic -mfpmath=sse -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fpermissive'
++ /usr/bin/sed -e s/-Wall//
+ MOZ_OPT_FLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe  -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches   -m32 -march=x86-64 -mtune=generic -mfpmath=sse -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fpermissive'
+ export 'CFLAGS=-O2 -g -pipe  -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches   -m32 -march=x86-64 -mtune=generic -mfpmath=sse -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fpermissive'
+ CFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe  -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches   -m32 -march=x86-64 -mtune=generic -mfpmath=sse -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fpermissive'
+ export 'CXXFLAGS=-O2 -g -pipe  -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches   -m32 -march=x86-64 -mtune=generic -mfpmath=sse -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fpermissive'
+ CXXFLAGS='-O2 -g -pipe  -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches   -m32 -march=x86-64 -mtune=generic -mfpmath=sse -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fpermissive'
+ export LDFLAGS=
+ export PREFIX=/usr
+ PREFIX=/usr
+ export LIBDIR=/usr/lib
+ LIBDIR=/usr/lib
+ '[' -z '' ']'
++ /usr/bin/getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN
+ '[' 24 -ge 2 ']'
+ '[' 24 -ge 4 ']'
+ '[' 24 -ge 8 ']'
+ make -f client.mk build STRIP=/bin/true MOZ_MAKE_FLAGS=-j8
make -f /builddir/build/BUILD/xulrunner-24.4.0/mozilla-esr24/client.mk realbuild
make[1]: Entering directory `/builddir/build/BUILD/xulrunner-24.4.0/mozilla-esr24'
Adding client.mk options from /builddir/build/BUILD/xulrunner-24.4.0/mozilla-esr24/.mozconfig:
make[2]: Entering directory `/builddir/build/BUILD/xulrunner-24.4.0/mozilla-esr24'
python /builddir/build/BUILD/xulrunner-24.4.0/mozilla-esr24/config/pythonpath.py -I /builddir/build/BUILD/xulrunner-24.4.0/mozilla-esr24/testing/mozbase/mozfile \
    /builddir/build/BUILD/xulrunner-24.4.0/mozilla-esr24/python/mozbuild/mozbuild/controller/clobber.py /builddir/build/BUILD/xulrunner-24.4.0/mozilla-esr24 /builddir/build/BUILD/xulrunner-24.4.0/mozilla-esr24/objdir
Clobber not needed.
mkdir -p "/builddir/build/BUILD/xulrunner-24.4.0/mozilla-esr24/objdir/"
cp /builddir/build/BUILD/xulrunner-24.4.0/mozilla-esr24/.mozconfig /builddir/build/BUILD/xulrunner-24.4.0/mozilla-esr24/objdir/.mozconfig
cd /builddir/build/BUILD/xulrunner-24.4.0/mozilla-esr24/objdir
Adding configure options from /builddir/build/BUILD/xulrunner-24.4.0/mozilla-esr24/.mozconfig:
creating cache ./config.cache
checking host system type... i686-pc-linux-gnu
checking target system type... i686-pc-linux-gnu
checking build system type... i686-pc-linux-gnu
checking for gawk... gawk
checking for python2.7... /usr/bin/python2.7
Creating Python environment
New python executable in /builddir/build/BUILD/xulrunner-24.4.0/mozilla-esr24/objdir/_virtualenv/bin/python2.7
Also creating executable in /builddir/build/BUILD/xulrunner-24.4.0/mozilla-esr24/objdir/_virtualenv/bin/python
Installing setuptools............done.
Installing pip...............done.
WARNING: Python.h not found. Install Python development headers.
Error processing command. Ignoring because optional. (optional:setup.py:python/psutil:build_ext:--inplace)
checking Python environment is Mozilla virtualenv... yes
checking for perl5... no
checking for perl... /usr/bin/perl
checking for objcopy... /usr/bin/objcopy
checking for gcc... gcc
checking whether the C compiler (gcc -O2 -g -pipe  -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches   -m32 -march=x86-64 -mtune=generic -mfpmath=sse -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fpermissive -gdwarf-2 ) works... yes
checking whether the C compiler (gcc -O2 -g -pipe  -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches   -m32 -march=x86-64 -mtune=generic -mfpmath=sse -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fpermissive -gdwarf-2 ) is a cross-compiler... no
checking whether we are using GNU C... yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
checking for c++... c++
checking whether the C++ compiler (c++ -O2 -g -pipe  -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches   -m32 -march=x86-64 -mtune=generic -mfpmath=sse -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fpermissive -gdwarf-2 ) works... yes
checking whether the C++ compiler (c++ -O2 -g -pipe  -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches   -m32 -march=x86-64 -mtune=generic -mfpmath=sse -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fpermissive -gdwarf-2 ) is a cross-compiler... no
checking whether we are using GNU C++... yes
checking whether c++ accepts -g... yes
checking for ranlib... ranlib
checking for as... /usr/bin/as
checking for ar... ar
checking for ld... ld
checking for strip... /bin/true
checking for windres... no
checking how to run the C preprocessor... gcc -E
checking how to run the C++ preprocessor... c++ -E
checking for a BSD compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether ln -s works... yes
checking for minimum required perl version >= 5.006... 5.016003
checking for full perl installation... yes
checking for doxygen... :
checking for autoconf... /usr/bin/autoconf
checking for unzip... /usr/bin/unzip
checking for zip... /usr/bin/zip
checking for xargs... /usr/bin/xargs
checking for rpmbuild... /usr/bin/rpmbuild
checking compiler version... gcc (GCC) 4.8.2 20131106 (Red Hat 4.8.2-3)
Copyright (C) 2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.  There is NO
checking for make... /usr/bin/make
checking for X... libraries , headers 
checking for dnet_ntoa in -ldnet... no
checking for dnet_ntoa in -ldnet_stub... no
checking for gethostbyname... yes
checking for connect... yes
checking for remove... yes
checking for shmat... yes
checking for IceConnectionNumber in -lICE... yes
checking that static assertion macros used in autoconf tests work... yes
checking for --noexecstack option to as... yes
checking for -z noexecstack option to ld... yes
checking for --build-id option to ld... yes
checking if toolchain supports -mssse3 option... yes
checking if toolchain supports -msse4.1 option... yes
checking whether the C compiler supports -Werror=return-type... no
checking whether the C compiler supports -Wtype-limits... no
checking whether the C compiler supports -Wempty-body... no
checking whether the C compiler supports -Wsign-compare... no
checking whether the C++ compiler supports -Werror=return-type... yes
checking whether the C++ compiler supports -Wtype-limits... yes
checking whether the C++ compiler supports -Wempty-body... yes
checking whether the C++ compiler supports -Wsign-compare... yes
checking whether the C++ compiler supports -Wno-invalid-offsetof... yes
checking whether ld has archive extraction flags... yes
checking for 64-bit OS... no
checking for custom <stdint.h> implementation... none specified
defined(@array) is deprecated at /builddir/build/BUILD/xulrunner-24.4.0/mozilla-esr24/config/milestone.pl line 59.
	(Maybe you should just omit the defined()?)
defined(@array) is deprecated at /builddir/build/BUILD/xulrunner-24.4.0/mozilla-esr24/config/milestone.pl line 59.
	(Maybe you should just omit the defined()?)
defined(@array) is deprecated at /builddir/build/BUILD/xulrunner-24.4.0/mozilla-esr24/config/milestone.pl line 59.
	(Maybe you should just omit the defined()?)
checking whether the linker supports Identical Code Folding... no
checking whether removing dead symbols breaks debugging... no
checking for ANSI C header files... yes
checking for working const... yes
checking for mode_t... yes
checking for off_t... yes
checking for pid_t... yes
checking for size_t... yes
checking for __stdcall... no
checking for ssize_t... yes
checking for st_blksize in struct stat... yes
checking for siginfo_t... yes
checking for int64... no
checking for uint... yes
checking for uint_t... no
checking for uname.domainname... yes
checking for uname.__domainname... no
checking for gcc c++0x headers bug without rtti... no
checking for usable char16_t (2 bytes, unsigned)... yes
checking for usable wchar_t (2 bytes, unsigned)... no
checking for visibility(hidden) attribute... yes
checking for visibility(default) attribute... yes
checking for visibility pragma support... yes
checking For gcc visibility bug with class-level attributes (GCC bug 26905)... no
checking For x86_64 gcc visibility bug with builtins (GCC bug 20297)... no
checking for gcc PR49911... no
checking for gcc pr39608... no
checking for llvm pr8927... no
checking for __force_align_arg_pointer__ attribute... no
checking for dirent.h that defines DIR... yes
checking for opendir in -ldir... no
checking for sys/byteorder.h... no
checking for compat.h... no
checking for getopt.h... yes
checking for sys/bitypes.h... yes
checking for memory.h... yes
checking for unistd.h... yes
checking for gnu/libc-version.h... yes
checking for nl_types.h... yes
checking for malloc.h... yes
checking for X11/XKBlib.h... yes
checking for io.h... no
checking for cpuid.h... yes
checking for sys/statvfs.h... yes
checking for sys/statfs.h... yes
checking for sys/vfs.h... yes
checking for sys/mount.h... yes
checking for sys/quota.h... yes
checking for sys/sysmacros.h... yes
checking for linux/quota.h... yes
checking for linux/if_addr.h... yes
checking for linux/rtnetlink.h... yes
checking for sys/types.h... yes
checking for netinet/in.h... yes
checking for byteswap.h... yes
checking for sockaddr_in.sin_len... false
checking for sockaddr_in6.sin6_len... false
checking for sockaddr.sa_len... false
checking for new... yes
checking for sys/cdefs.h... yes
checking for linux/perf_event.h... yes
checking for perf_event_open system call... yes
checking for gethostbyname_r in -lc_r... no
checking for library containing dlopen... -ldl
checking for dlfcn.h... yes
checking for dladdr... yes
checking for memmem... yes
checking for socket in -lsocket... no
checking for XDrawLines in -lX11... yes
checking for XextAddDisplay in -lXext... yes
checking for XtFree in -lXt... yes
checking for XShmCreateImage in -lXext... yes
checking for X11/extensions/scrnsaver.h... no
checking for pthread_create in -lpthreads... no
checking for pthread_create in -lpthread... yes
checking whether gcc accepts -pthread... yes
checking whether gcc needs -traditional... no
checking for 8-bit clean memcmp... yes
checking for random... yes
checking for strerror... yes
checking for lchown... yes
checking for fchmod... yes
checking for snprintf... yes
checking for memmove... yes
checking for rint... no
checking for stat64... yes
checking for lstat64... yes
checking for truncate64... yes
checking for setbuf... yes
checking for isatty... yes
checking for statvfs64... yes
checking for statvfs... yes
checking for statfs64... yes
checking for statfs... yes
checking for flockfile... yes
checking for getpagesize... yes
checking for localtime_r... yes
checking for strtok_r... yes
checking for clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC)... 
checking for wcrtomb... yes
checking for mbrtowc... yes
checking for res_ninit()... yes
checking for gnu_get_libc_version()... yes
checking for iconv in -lc... yes
checking for iconv()... yes
checking for iconv() with const input... yes
checking for nl_langinfo and CODESET... yes
checking for an implementation of va_copy()... yes
checking for an implementation of __va_copy()... yes
checking whether va_lists can be copied by value... yes
checking whether the C++ "using" keyword resolves ambiguity... yes
checking for C++ dynamic_cast to void*... yes
checking whether C++ requires implementation of unused virtual methods... no
checking for trouble comparing to zero near std::operator!=()... no
checking for __thread keyword for TLS variables... yes
checking for malloc.h... (cached) yes
checking for strndup... yes
checking for posix_memalign... yes
checking for memalign... yes
checking for valloc... yes
checking for malloc_usable_size... yes
checking for __attribute__((always_inline))... yes
checking for __attribute__((malloc))... yes
checking for __attribute__((warn_unused_result))... yes
checking for LC_MESSAGES... yes
checking for localeconv... yes
checking for nspr-config... /usr/bin/nspr-config
checking for NSPR - version >= 4.10.2... yes
checking for nss-config... /usr/bin/nss-config
checking for NSS - version >= 3.15.4... no
configure: error: you don't have NSS installed or your version is too old
------ config.log ------
configure:14323: c++ -o conftest -O2 -g -pipe  -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches   -m32 -march=x86-64 -mtune=generic -mfpmath=sse -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fpermissive -gdwarf-2 -fno-exceptions -fno-strict-aliasing -fno-rtti -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -fno-exceptions -std=gnu++0x -pthread  -lpthread  -Wl,-z,noexecstack -Wl,--build-id conftest.C -ldl  1>&5
configure:14292: checking for valloc
configure:14323: c++ -o conftest -O2 -g -pipe  -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches   -m32 -march=x86-64 -mtune=generic -mfpmath=sse -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fpermissive -gdwarf-2 -fno-exceptions -fno-strict-aliasing -fno-rtti -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -fno-exceptions -std=gnu++0x -pthread  -lpthread  -Wl,-z,noexecstack -Wl,--build-id conftest.C -ldl  1>&5
configure:14354: checking for malloc_usable_size
configure:14385: c++ -o conftest -O2 -g -pipe  -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches   -m32 -march=x86-64 -mtune=generic -mfpmath=sse -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fpermissive -gdwarf-2 -fno-exceptions -fno-strict-aliasing -fno-rtti -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -fno-exceptions -std=gnu++0x -pthread  -lpthread  -Wl,-z,noexecstack -Wl,--build-id conftest.C -ldl  1>&5
configure:14415: checking for __attribute__((always_inline))
configure:14427: c++ -c -O2 -g -pipe  -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches   -m32 -march=x86-64 -mtune=generic -mfpmath=sse -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fpermissive -gdwarf-2 -fno-exceptions -fno-strict-aliasing -fno-rtti -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -fno-exceptions -std=gnu++0x -pthread  conftest.C 1>&5
configure:14442: checking for __attribute__((malloc))
configure:14454: c++ -c -O2 -g -pipe  -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches   -m32 -march=x86-64 -mtune=generic -mfpmath=sse -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fpermissive -gdwarf-2 -fno-exceptions -fno-strict-aliasing -fno-rtti -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -fno-exceptions -std=gnu++0x -pthread  conftest.C 1>&5
configure:14469: checking for __attribute__((warn_unused_result))
configure:14481: c++ -c -O2 -g -pipe  -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches   -m32 -march=x86-64 -mtune=generic -mfpmath=sse -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fpermissive -gdwarf-2 -fno-exceptions -fno-strict-aliasing -fno-rtti -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -fno-exceptions -std=gnu++0x -pthread  conftest.C 1>&5
configure:14505: checking for LC_MESSAGES
configure:14517: gcc -c -O2 -g -pipe  -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches   -m32 -march=x86-64 -mtune=generic -mfpmath=sse -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fpermissive -gdwarf-2 -std=gnu99 -fgnu89-inline -fno-strict-aliasing -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -pthread  conftest.c 1>&5
cc1: warning: command line option '-fpermissive' is valid for C++/ObjC++ but not for C [enabled by default]
configure:14543: checking for localeconv
configure:14571: gcc -o conftest -O2 -g -pipe  -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches   -m32 -march=x86-64 -mtune=generic -mfpmath=sse -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fpermissive -gdwarf-2 -std=gnu99 -fgnu89-inline -fno-strict-aliasing -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -pthread  -lpthread  -Wl,-z,noexecstack -Wl,--build-id conftest.c -ldl  1>&5
cc1: warning: command line option '-fpermissive' is valid for C++/ObjC++ but not for C [enabled by default]
configure:14760: checking for nspr-config
configure:14795: checking for NSPR - version >= 4.10.2
configure:14863: gcc -c -O2 -g -pipe  -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches   -m32 -march=x86-64 -mtune=generic -mfpmath=sse -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fpermissive -gdwarf-2 -std=gnu99 -fgnu89-inline -fno-strict-aliasing -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -pthread -I/usr/include/nspr4  conftest.c 1>&5
cc1: warning: command line option '-fpermissive' is valid for C++/ObjC++ but not for C [enabled by default]
configure:14883: gcc -c -O2 -g -pipe  -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches   -m32 -march=x86-64 -mtune=generic -mfpmath=sse -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fpermissive -gdwarf-2 -std=gnu99 -fgnu89-inline -fno-strict-aliasing -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -pthread -I/usr/include/nspr4  conftest.c 1>&5
cc1: warning: command line option '-fpermissive' is valid for C++/ObjC++ but not for C [enabled by default]
configure:15195: checking for nss-config
configure:15230: checking for NSS - version >= 3.15.4
*** Fix above errors and then restart with               "make -f client.mk build"
make[2]: Leaving directory `/builddir/build/BUILD/xulrunner-24.4.0/mozilla-esr24'
make[1]: Leaving directory `/builddir/build/BUILD/xulrunner-24.4.0/mozilla-esr24'
make[2]: *** [configure] Error 1
make[1]: *** [/builddir/build/BUILD/xulrunner-24.4.0/mozilla-esr24/objdir/Makefile] Error 2
make: *** [build] Error 2
error: Bad exit status from /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.HK8DKY (%build)
    Bad exit status from /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.HK8DKY (%build)
RPM build errors:
Child return code was: 1
EXCEPTION: Command failed. See logs for output.
 # ['bash', '--login', '-c', 'rpmbuild -bb --target i686 --nodeps builddir/build/SPECS/xulrunner.spec']
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/mockbuild/trace_decorator.py", line 70, in trace
    result = func(*args, **kw)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/mockbuild/util.py", line 359, in do
    raise mockbuild.exception.Error, ("Command failed. See logs for output.\n # %s" % (command,), child.returncode)
Error: Command failed. See logs for output.
 # ['bash', '--login', '-c', 'rpmbuild -bb --target i686 --nodeps builddir/build/SPECS/xulrunner.spec']