[CentOS-devel] Rebuilding suggestions

Sun Apr 10 11:27:26 UTC 2005
Simone <simone72 at email.it>

It is not my intention to redistribute it, but since I've worked hard to 
get here (I am not an expert)  I'd like to complete my work. I would 
suggest anyone to try it, to appreciate even more the work that's behind 
any CentOS release.

Thanks for your suggestions, have a nice day


John Allen wrote:

>On Saturday 09 April 2005 21:31, Simone wrote:
>>Hi, for the fun of having my own distro, I am rebuilding from sources
>>and finally am at a good point. My next problem is to find all the
>>trademarks and get rid of them. I already checked some of packages but
>>still have some redhat stuff showing during install process that I can't
>>seem to be able to get rid oft. Can you please indicate me the packages
>If you are building your own distro (not for redistribution), then you don't 
>need to get rid of the trademarks.
>>you've worked on while developing CentOS4?
>>Thanks a lot, have a nice weekend
>> --
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