[CentOS-devel] Circular build dependencies in RHCS packages

Thu Jul 28 15:10:09 UTC 2005
Charlie Brady <charlieb-centos-devel at budge.apana.org.au>

On Tue, 26 Jul 2005, Charlie Brady wrote:

> Has anyone found a clean way to bootstrap this collection of packages?

I can answer myself here. The way to break out of the loop is to ignore 
the bogus dependency of dlm-devel on dlm (you need dlm-devel to build code 
which depends on dlm headers and libraries. You *don't* need to be running 
a distributed lock manager on every compile server). Install dlm-devel 
using --nodeps.

I've already tried and failed to convince RedHat that their pattern of 
having xxx-devel packages require xxx is wrong.

> bash-3.00$ sudo rpm -Uhv /tmp/dlm-devel-
> error: Failed dependencies:
>        dlm = is needed by 
> dlm-devel-
> bash-3.00$

I suspect this dependency is bogus as well:

> bash-3.00$ sudo rpm -Uhv /tmp/cman-1.0.1-0.i386.rpm 
> /tmp/ccs-1.0.1-20050705200822.i386.rpm
> error: Failed dependencies:
>        magma-plugins is needed by ccs-1.0.1-20050705200822.i386
> bash-3.00$
