[CentOS-devel] CentOS CS & GFS packages

Tue Jul 19 00:16:40 UTC 2005
Johnny Hughes <mailing-lists at hughesjr.com>

On Tue, 2005-07-19 at 09:27 +1000, John Newbigin wrote:
> As there seems to be a desire for official CentOS CS & GFS packages, we 
> should decide how these are going to be stored on the mirror.
> The simple method is probably directories under {3,4} called {CS,GFS}. 
> (ie. new directories alongside extras, centosplus etc).

I was thinking a GFS directory (one under 3 and one under 4) and the
$arch, SRPMS, $arch/GFS, $arch/CS under that ... so we can run
createrepo and yum-arch in $arch directory and have one repo (GFS) to
add to users yum configs instead of two.  How does that sound? (Since
for CentOS-4 they work together)

> Can these directories easily be shared out to developers?  I probably 
> need a new key to sign my packages, unless someone with the 3 key wants 
> to resign them after I sign then with the 2 key.

I don't have a 3 key ... :)

> Given the low volume of updates in these trees, it might be easier if 
> someone with 3 access wants to manually take my packages and put them 
> into the 3 tree.
> Also, how does stuff get into the vault?  Is this automatic.

I move it to the centos-store in /home on centosa (master) when we kill
a tree, I can setup a centos-2 directory there and give you access if
you want ... or I can mv files if you give me a list.  Either way works
for me.
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