[CentOS-devel] CentOS CS & GFS packages

Tue Jul 26 22:13:37 UTC 2005
Karanbir Singh <mail-lists at karan.org>

Charlie Brady wrote:
> On Mon, 25 Jul 2005, Johnny Hughes wrote:
>> They do not work on CentOS-4 ... and we will include SRPMS in the final
>> tree.
> Is there any reason they can't be there now?

yes, because they are not done yet :)

While the code itself is release grade, allow us atleast the time to 
check that the rebuild works properly.

>> This is a devel list, the finished product will be announced to the main
>> list when it is done.
>> We have built, and are testing, RHGFS 6.1 and RHCS4 as well (the version
>> for RHEL 4 / CentOS-4)
> Since this is a devel list, could we not be invited to join the testing 
> effort?

Feel free to take a look :  http://rpm.karan.org/el4/csgfs/

Dont be surprised if packages change.

( FYI: packages are not signed, and wont be till they are are release 
grade and show up on mirror.centos.org )

- K

Karanbir Singh : http://www.karan.org/
GnuPG Public Key : http://www.karan.org/publickey.asc