[CentOS-devel] Re: a centos SECURITY] Security Errata Pages (fwd)

Thu Jun 2 18:04:50 UTC 2005
Lance Davis <lance at uklinux.net>

On Thu, 2 Jun 2005, R P Herrold wrote:

> This guy may be a mirror candiate, and also seems to be 
> willing to spend some money as a donation equivalent to 
> license fees.
> How shall we solicit him?

we need a db / web i/f for the devs to post errata 

this has been discussed previously.

It will impose standards and at the same time update web page and email .

Just need a volunteer to code it :)


> - R
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> Date: Thu, 2 Jun 2005 01:47:08 +0200
> From: "Ronald Dolfsma, MP2" <ronald at mp2.nl>
> To: security at centos.org
> Subject: a centos SECURITY] Security Errata Pages
> LS,
> I noticed that the Security Errata pages haven't been updates since 2005/2/3
> although they were read very well i think. Is there a chance that they will
> be posted again on a regular basis, for example when errata are available?
> That looks more professional i think. Also, the errata part of the main page
> is not utilised yet. I am convinced that in today's, security driven
> community of semi-professional or professional linux admins, such things are
> necessary. Even if the updates are available, without the proper marketing
> nobody will know that you put so much effort in reacting promptly to
> available updates that are repackaged and released for CentOS.
> Great product by the way; wil definitely donate if we keep using CentOS
> instead of RHEL. Someone's gotta pay the bills :-)
> Regards,
> Ronald Dolfsma
> ---
> MP2 Webhosting
> http://www.mp2.nl

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