[CentOS-devel] CentOS 3.5 errors

Wed Jun 15 08:49:40 UTC 2005
Johnny Hughes <mailing-lists at hughesjr.com>

On Wed, 2005-06-15 at 02:55 -0400, seth vidal wrote:
> On Wed, 2005-06-15 at 16:51 +1000, John Newbigin wrote:
> > I downloaded them from a different mirror and they check out OK.  Does 
> > someone want to try:
> > http://mirror.pacific.net.au/linux/CentOS/3.5/os/i386
> > and see if they are OK on that mirror.  I am using an http proxy which 
> > could be causing a problem.
> > 
> I think they have a bad sync or tampered files:
> I downloaded it from a machine at duke, not behind a proxy.
>  rpm -K -v db4-4.1.25-8.1.i386.rpm
> db4-4.1.25-8.1.i386.rpm:
>     Header V3 DSA signature: NOKEY, key ID 025e513b
>     Header SHA1 digest: OK (b07a40eedbd1cf5e4703c2164a33af213b6473a3)
>     MD5 digest: BAD Expected(8bcaf8d8b087898cf835d9e6bba73766) !=
> (2023f31e90546d87a3e31714a77f3af3)
>     V3 DSA signature: BAD, key ID 025e513b
> it's not just you.
> -sv

Looks like the last rsync on the site is from 12-Jun-2005 07:11 (front
page timestamp) so the content is possibly out of date.

Looking specifically at db4-4.1.25-8.1.i386.rpm, I get this from that

db4-4.1.25-8.1.i386.rpm: (sha1) dsa sha1 MD5 GPG NOT OK

and this from mirror.centos.org:

db4-4.1.25-8.1.i386.rpm: (sha1) dsa sha1 md5 gpg OK

(I also checked the file on 5 individual mirrors that are in the
mirror.centos.org rrdns entry ... it was good on all 5) 

So it seems that the files in question rsynced improperly and haven't
been corrected.

It could be (if they have a slow connection or are using a rsync switch
to limit bandwidth) that they are still downloading the 3.5 x86_64 and
4.1 i386/ia64 trees with ISOs and haven't had another rsync yet to clear
it up.

I'll send an e-mail to the POC we have for the server and let them know.

Johnny Hughes
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