[CentOS-devel] kernel-sourcecode RPM?

Tue Nov 22 05:31:37 UTC 2005
Charlie Brady <charlieb-centos-devel at budge.apana.org.au>

On Mon, 21 Nov 2005, Johnny Hughes wrote:

> On Mon, 2005-11-21 at 23:34 -0500, Charlie Brady wrote:
>> I notice that CentOS 4.2 has no kernel-sourcecode RPM, unlike 4.0 and 4.1.
>> Is that intentional or an oversight?
> The kernel-sourcecode package has been changed by RH so as to be
> absolutely worthless :)
> It is a noarch rpm now, which means that none of the arch specfic
> patches are installed when it is created.

That's not true (not for RHEL4, at least). Here's an extract from %install 
from kernel-2.6.9-22.0.1.EL.src.rpm:

%if %{buildsource}

mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/src/linux-%{KVERREL}
chmod -R a+r *

# clean up the source tree so that it is ready for users to build their own
# kernel
make -s mrproper
# copy the source over
tar cf - . | tar xf - -C $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/src/linux-%{KVERREL}


> then to go to the SPEC directory ... normally /usr/src/redhat/SPECS ...
> and do this:
> rpmbuild -bp --target i686 kernel-2.6.spec
> (or i586, x86_64, etc.)

[Arch shouldn't matter for -bp, as %prep is architecture agnostic.]

> Then go to the BUILD directory ... normally /usr/src/redhat/BUILD ...
> and the patched tree is there.

I don't see how that would be any different to what we see happening 

Is the kernel-sourcecode RPM you built anywhere that I can get it?

