[CentOS-devel] New XFS code for the CentOS-4 Kernel from SGI

Tue Nov 22 04:40:30 UTC 2005
Johnny Hughes <mailing-lists at hughesjr.com>

The new XFS file system code from SGI is now available on the CentOS-4
Developer's testing site.

You can install the dev-testing repo from here:


And putting the CentOS-Testing.repo file in your /etc/yum.repo.d/

You can then install the new xfs module on the standard centos i686 or
x86_64 kernels.

You have to pick the proper kernel that you are running.
Here is the command that would install the XFS module and the minimum
required XFS tools:

yum install dmapi xfsprogs xfsdump kernel-module-xfs-`uname -r`-0.1-1

This will install the just released XFS code from SGI.

BUT ... this code is still not 100% working with 4K stacks (which all EL
4 and FC 3/4/5 kernels currently use).  A note from SGI on this code:

#                                                               #
#                        NOTICE                                 #
# This xfs module rpm has been provided for testing purposes    #
# only.  It is believed to be functional, but it has not been   #
# heavily tested.  In particular, you may have issues with the  #
# 4KSTACKS option on RHEL4 ia32 kernels, depending on your IO   #
# hardware, layering, nfs usage, etc.                           #
#                                                               #
# Please do NOT report any problems with this module, or with   #
# the kernel when this module is loaded, to Red Hat.            #
# You may report issues to the linux-xfs at oss.sgi.com list.      #
# (Please also report successes!)                               #
#                                                               #

You may also report successes and failures to the CentOS-Devel list.

I installed this and ran 15 full tests with Bonnie++ on the XFS
partition without any errors.  I was using a PATA drive and a pIII 800
Mhz PC.

NOTE:  This will not run currently with the CentOS Plus kernel, as XFS
is already compiled as a module on that kernel.

After some testing here (if all goes well), a new CentOS Plus kernel
w/out XFS will be compiled and this code will also be moved (with
instructions) to the CentOSPLus repo.
NOTE:  After completing the install of the XFS code, you should
edit /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Testing.repo and set the line:




to turn off the testing repository for CentOS-4 until you want to
upgrade items from it again.  This repo will get other Alpha/Pre Release
type code in it and you would not want to accidentally overwrite stable
CentOS packages during updates.
Johnny Hughes
CentOS-4 Lead Developer 
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