[CentOS-devel] id3v2: contributed RPM submission

Sun Apr 2 13:28:34 UTC 2006
Durval Menezes <durval at tmp.com.br>


Here's my submission for a new package: id3v2, a very good command-line
utility to list and manipulate IDv2 tags in MP3 files.

The URL to the SRPM is: 

I've attached the .spec file.

Best Regards,
   Durval Menezes (durval AT tmp DOT com DOT br, http://www.tmp.com.br/)
-------------- next part --------------
Summary: An MP3 technical info viewer and ID3 tag editor
Name: id3v2
Version: 0.1.11
Release: 1dm2
Copyright: GPL
Group: Utilities/file
Packager: Durval Menezes <durval AT tmp DOT com DOT br>, based on original spec file from Pavel Polischouk <pavelp at geocities.com>
Source: http://download.sourceforge.net/%{name}/%{name}-%{version}.tar.gz
#Patch:  %name-%version.newlib.patch
BuildRoot: /var/tmp/id3v2
Requires: id3lib
BuildRequires: id3lib-devel
URL: http://id3v2.sourceforge.net/
Prefix: /usr

I wrote this because id3v1 are seriously deficient in what kind of 
info can be in them and the length of info that can be in them. 
id3v2 tags are much better but there isn't a tool to edit them in Linux. 
This is a tool to fill that space.
In case you didn't know id3 tags can be found on mp3 files, they can 
store infomation about what band recorded the song, the song name, 
etc. id3v2 adds all kinds of neat stuff and you can find out more about 
it at the id3v2 page

#%patch -p 1


install -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{prefix}/bin/
install -m 755 -s id3v2 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}
install -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man1/
install -m 644 id3v2.1 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man1/

rm -rf ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}


* Sun Jan 15 2006 Durval Menezes <durval AT tmp DOT com DOT br> [0.1.11-1dm2]
- commented-out inexistent patch %name-%version.newlib.patch
- added id3lib-devel as a BuildRequires
- added manpage to list of installed files
- added Changelog to doc files

* Mon Nov 12 2001 Pavel Polischouk <pavelp at geocities.com>
- Initial release of spec
- Patch created for id3lib 3.8.0pre2 support