[CentOS-devel] Missing yum-plugin-priorities in the Extras

Tue Aug 15 09:38:26 UTC 2006
Karanbir Singh <mail-lists at karan.org>

Milan Keršláger wrote:
> Hi,
> there is source package for yum-plugin-priorities, but no builded
> package in the Extras tree. Why?
> http://merlin.fit.vutbr.cz/mirrors/centos/4/extras/SRPMS/yum-plugin-priorities-0.0.3-1.c4.src.rpm

There are a few issues we're still looking at ... and will have this
done in time for the 4.4 release. if you want to build and use the
src.rpm for yourself, you are most welcome to do so !

Karanbir Singh : http://www.karan.org/ : 2522219 at icq