[CentOS-devel] malloc(): memory corruption

Thu Dec 28 07:17:19 UTC 2006
Andrew Velikoredchanin <andy at atomail.com>

Karanbir Singh:
> Andrew Velikoredchanin wrote:
>> libapreq2-2.02-dev selfinstalled
>> mod_limitipconn-0.22-0 selfinstalled
>> mod_rpaf-0.5-0 selfinstalled
> Get rid of this fluff, can you still reproduce the issue ? if you can, 
> open a bug report at http://bugs.centos.org/ along with a `rpm -qa` and 
> details of the hardware.

Reason of this error is libapreq2-2.02-dev. Sorry, but I not have time 
for detail investigate.

I try mod_perl2+libapreq2 last version and not detect this problems. But 
for my soft need mod_perl 1.99+libapreq < 2.04-dev. :(

I reinstall OS on 32-bit version now. :(