[CentOS-devel] Getting CentOS up to date on SPARC

Wed Jun 21 15:38:57 UTC 2006
Ralph Angenendt <ra+centos at br-online.de>

Karanbir Singh wrote:
> We are presently looking for a Sparc maintainer ( or two, would be
> better ) - Pasi has way too much work on his plate at the moment and is
> also already doing ( and will continue to do so, for the time being )
> his other arch's ( ia64/ s390(x) / Alpha ). But he has expressed desire
> to resign the Sparc build.

I could get my hands on a 220R with 36G (2x Ultrasparc) in a few weeks,
but don't have the time at the moment to speed up that process. I also
talked to Pasi and he doesn't have the time to "work in" a new person.
But there's still some interest on our side to work on this, though it's
not completely clear, where the hooks and claws are on that build (no
real C confidence over here). 

> If you are interested, and have the time to spend this might be
> something you can get involved with ?

So if that process can be doubled ...

I don't see much chances though that I could give away user accounts on
that machine, which are reachable from the outside world, as that
machine sits in our server intranet. And still has to lose the job it's
doing at the moment. 

Ralph Angenendt......ra at br-online.de | .."Text processing has made it possible
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Programmbereich.Bayern 3, Jugend und | .which cannot be justified on any other
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