[CentOS-devel] New nx/freenx RPMS for CentOS-4 i386 in the Testing Repo

Wed Nov 22 18:16:06 UTC 2006
Johnny Hughes <mailing-lists at hughesjr.com>

There are new versions of nx and freenx for CentOS-4 i386 in the testing


I am using this on 3 servers and it seems at least as stable as the
previous versions.  These RPMS roll in the latest nx-2.1.x server
components from nomachine.org (current CentOS-4 version has nx-1.5.x
server components).

The full screen patch was retained across versions and seems to work OK
here as well.

If you are using the CentOS version of NX / FreeNX, please test this
version and provide feedback on this list.  Barring any show stopping
negative feedback, these RPMS will replace the current versions in
CentOS extras in 2 weeks.

Testing repository .repo file:

Packages can be download manually here:

Johnny Hughes
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