[CentOS-devel] kernel-*-devel and yum updates for CentOS-4.x

Mon Oct 23 01:31:09 UTC 2006
Roger Peña Escobio <orkcu at yahoo.com>

--- Ralph Angenendt <ra+centos at br-online.de> wrote:

> Roger PeXa Escobio wrote:
> > --- Johnny Hughes <mailing-lists at hughesjr.com>
> wrote:
> >> 1. Patch CentOS-4 yum to make yum install all
> >> kernel-*-devel files like
> >> it does for kernel-devel (or the reverse ... make
> >> kernel-devel and
> >> upgrade like the other files).
> >
> > but a change in yum is enough ?
> > from the comments in RedHat Bugzilla I interprete
> that
> > a change in the kernel spec is also necessary (to
> > provide "Provides" lines), is that true?
> It is "either or". Either you add all kernel-*-devel
> packages to
> "installonlypkg" in config.py or just leave the
> kernel-devel package in
> there and let all kernel-*-devel packages Provide:
> kernel-devel.

I understand now :-) thanks

> So yes, it can be done by only changing yum.
rhel5 will have its own version of yum, will he?
so, what will be the direction of centos4's yum
version after centOS5 get out? 
will the version for centos5 will get delivery for
centos4 ?
that version will be patched acconding to redhat
bugzilla because the kernel spec in rhel5 will include
the Provides line, so... the "how rhel5-centos5 works"
thing will matter for the "how centos4 works" thing?

At this point, I vote for the solution where only the
yum packages gets modified, that way centos4 will
"clone" upstream (even the bugs :-) )
but centos developers should analize if this way of
fix the problem is (will be) consistence with the way
centos will go. Maybe mantaining an specific centos4's
yum patch is not so complicate for the rest of centos4
live :-) 


RedHat Certified Engineer ( RHCE )
Cisco Certified Network Associate ( CCNA )

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