[CentOS-devel] CentOS-4.4 yumconf

Wed Oct 11 18:59:23 UTC 2006
C.M. Connelly <cmc at math.hmc.edu>

"JN" == John Newbigin <jnewbigin at ict.swin.edu.au>

    JN> The easiest workaround I found was to add reposdir=

    JN> to your /etc/yum.conf [main] section.

    JN> This means you can't add other repos into that directory
    JN> but I don't normally do that anyway.

Good if you don't, but if you wanted to, say, also use the
RPMForge repositories, their package installs new .repo files into
/etc/yum.repos.d.  I'd imagine that most yumconf packages would do
the same, as /etc/yum.repos.d is the standard location for those


  Claire Connelly                              cmc at math.hmc.edu 
  Systems Administrator                          (909) 621-8754   
  Department of Mathematics                 Harvey Mudd College
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