[CentOS-devel] ipp2p package

Fri Sep 1 21:36:37 UTC 2006
David Hrbáč <hrbac.conf at seznam.cz>

Karanbir Singh napsal(a):

> there are kmod packages in Fedora, i suggest you look again. They can be
>  in other places as well - Also when the kmod specs were being worked
> out - quite a few people got involved, not only from within the Fedora
> community to work on that stuff.

I have recreated ipp2p package together with Ernesto. There are two
packages: userland and kernel. As to kernel package, it's not clear if
name is kmod-package or package-kmod. Documentation reads kmod-package.
But looking on rpmseek.com I see kmod-package is in use nowadays. Could
you tell me what naming convention is to be supported in CentOS?